首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Food Science and Technology >Effect of Asparagus racemosus (shatavari) extract on physicochemical and functional properties of milk and its interaction with milk proteins

Effect of Asparagus racemosus (shatavari) extract on physicochemical and functional properties of milk and its interaction with milk proteins


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The effects of interaction of Asparagus racemosus (shatavari) with milk constituents and physico-chemical and functional characteristics of milk was studied. Addition of freeze dried aqueous shatavari extract at a concentration of 1 g / 100 ml of milk showed a decrease in pH, rennet coagulation time and an increase in acidity, viscosity and heat stability at maximum. The extract also imparted brown colour to milk and showed an increase in a* (redness) and b* (yellowness) values but a decrease in L* (lightness) value. Proteins in milk were modified by reaction with shatavari extract. The derivatives formed were characterized in terms of SDS-PAGE. Electrophoretic pattern of sodium caseinate and whey containing 1% shatavari herb extract did not show any difference in band pattern i.e. there was no difference in mobility based on size of the proteins, but the intensity (width) of bands differed.
机译:研究了芦笋(Shatavari)与牛奶成分和乳的物理化学和功能特征的影响。 在1g / 100ml牛奶的浓度下加入冷冻干燥的shatavari提取物在最大值的pH值,肾素凝固时间和酸度的增加,最大值,粘度和热稳定性的浓度下降。 提取物还赋予棕色的棕色乳,并显示出*(发红)和B *(yellowness)值的增加,但L *(亮度)值下降。 通过与Shatavari提取物反应改性牛奶中的蛋白质。 形成的衍生物的特征在于SDS-PAGE。 酪蛋白酸钠和乳清乳清乳清乳清乳清乳清乳清乳清蛋白提取物没有显示出带状图案的任何差异,即基于蛋白质的大小没有迁移率,但波段的强度(宽度)不同。



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