首页> 外文期刊>American journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias >A Quasi-Randomized Controlled Trial of Brain-Activating Rehabilitation in an Acute Hospital

A Quasi-Randomized Controlled Trial of Brain-Activating Rehabilitation in an Acute Hospital


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We aimed to confirm the effectiveness of brain-activating rehabilitation (BAR) performed in the day care setting at an acute hospital. Brain-activating rehabilitation is based on 5 principles: developing a pleasant atmosphere, promoting communication, praising patients, giving patients a social role, and providing supportive care. A total of 48 patients with dementia or cognitive impairment were selected and randomly divided into the intervention and control groups. The BAR-based intervention was conducted for 1 hour, 3 times a week. The patients' score of the Multidimensional Observation Scale for Elderly Subjects (MOSES) were used as outcome measures. Repeated-measures analysis of covariance detected a significant interaction between the MOSES disorientation (F = 4.437, P = .041) and the withdrawal (F = 5.052, P = .030) subscales. A BAR-based intervention performed at our acute hospital was effective at maintaining and improving the cognitive and psychosocial functioning of patients with dementia or cognitive impairment.
机译:我们旨在确认在一家急诊医院的日托环境中进行脑激活康复(BAR)的有效性。激活大脑的康复基于5个原则:营造愉快的氛围,促进交流,赞美患者,赋予患者社会角色以及提供支持性护理。总共选择了48名痴呆或认知障碍患者,并将其随机分为干预组和对照组。基于BAR的干预进行了1小时,每周3次。将患者的老年受试者多维观察量表(MOSES)得分用作结果指标。重复测量的协方差分析检测到MOSES定向障碍(F = 4.437,P = .041)和撤出(F = 5.052,P = .030)子量表之间存在显着相互作用。在我们的急诊医院进行的基于BAR的干预有效地维持和改善了痴呆或认知障碍患者的认知和社会心理功能。



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