首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications: Theory and Applications >Fault Tolerant Soft-Core Processor Architecture Based on Temporal Redundancy

Fault Tolerant Soft-Core Processor Architecture Based on Temporal Redundancy


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Embedded soft-core processors are becoming the usual solution to deal with network and data communications inside FPGAs. However, when developing space-based applications, the designer must consider the effects of ionizing radiation such as Total Ionizing Dose (TID) and Single-Event Effect (SEE). The majority of techniques for mitigation of Single-Event Upsets (SEUs) on FPGAs are based on hardware spatial-redundancy. This work presents a fault-tolerance technique, based on the concept of temporal redundancy, with checkpoints and recovery for soft-core processors. The proposed modified architecture is aimed at embedded systems for space applications based on FPGAs. Our experimental results show that the Checkpoint Recovery technique is a valid alternative to traditional spatial-redundancy, especially when considering limited logic area and power budget present on a satellite. The results present levels of reliability comparable to those of the more conventional fault-tolerance techniques. Additionally, the proposed approach does not require modifications of the software source code or compiler.



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