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Some notes on an interesting epitoniid species from the eastern Pacific


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In 2011,Mr. George Sangiouloglou contacted me and requested I look at an unidentified epitonium he acquired from Cocos Island,an island off Costa Rica. Since Helen DuShane had spent years studying the Epitoniidae found in the Panamic-Galapagan faunal province and published a series of papers summarizing her findings, I expected it would be a straightforward matter to identify his specimen. To my considerable surprise,I received the specimen pictured in fig. 1. According to the data accompanying the shell, it was collected by a diver at a depth of 10 ft. and was found at the base of an anemone. This is typical habitat for epitoniums since they are predators or parasites of corals and anemones.
机译:2011年,乔治·桑吉欧洛格(George Sangiouloglou)与我联系,要求我看看他从哥斯达黎加附近的一个岛科科斯岛(Cocos Island)获得的身份不明的epi。由于海伦·杜沙恩(Helen DuShane)花费了数年的时间研究在Panamic-Galapagan动物区系发现的Epitoniidae,并发表了一系列总结其发现的论文,所以我希望鉴定他的标本很简单。令我惊讶的是,我收到了图5所示的标本。 1.根据外壳附带的数据,潜水员在10英尺深处收集了它,并发现在海葵的底部。这是epi的典型栖息地,因为它们是珊瑚和海葵的捕食者或寄生虫。



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