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Transitional Care Coordination in New York City Jails: Facilitating Linkages to Care for People,with HIV Returning Home from Rikers Island


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New York City (NYC) jails are the epicenter of an epidemic that overwhelmingly affects Black and Hispanic men and offer a significant opportunity for public health intervention. The NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene instituted population based approaches to identify the HIV-infected, initiate discharge planning at jail admission, and facilitate post-release linkages to primary care. Using a caring and supportive 'warm transitions' approach, transitional care services are integral to continuity of care. Since 2010, over three-quarters of known HIV-infected inmates admitted to jails received discharge plans; 74 % of those released were linked to primary care. The EnhanceLink initiative's new Health Liaison, a lynchpin role, facilitated 250 court-led placements in medical alternatives to incarceration. Transitional care coordination programs are critical to facilitate continuity of care for people with chronic health conditions including the HIV-infected returning home from jail and for the public health of the communities to which they return.
机译:纽约市监狱是该流行病的中心,这种流行病极大地影响了黑人和西班牙裔男子,为公共卫生干预提供了重要的机会。纽约市卫生和心理卫生部门制定了基于人群的方法,以识别感染了HIV的病毒,在入狱时启动出院计划,并促进释放后与初级保健的联系。使用关怀和支持性的“温暖过渡”方法,过渡护理服务是护理连续性必不可少的。自2010年以来,入狱的四分之三已知艾滋病毒感染囚犯接受了出院计划; 74%的被释放者与初级保健有关。 EnhanceLink计划的新健康联络员是关键角色,为250个法院主导的替代监禁医疗安排提供了便利。过渡性护理协调计划对于促进对包括艾滋病毒感染者从监狱返回家园之类的慢性健康状况患者的持续护理及其返回社区的公共健康至关重要。



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