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Healthcare in the Space Program:The Space Shuttle, The International Space Station, and the Mars Exploration Mission


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President John F. Kennedy challenged the engineering profession of the United States in the late '60's with the goal of touching the moon's surface with a human footprint. Neil Armstrong achieved that goal in 1969. The interim time span between 1969 and 2002 has had many trials and tribulations for the U.S. space program run by NASA. Healthcare in space is as essential as healthcare on earth, but much more complex, and challenged by physiological alterations created by microgravity, limited payload, and the vastness of space itself. The International Space Station and the planned mission to Mars will incorporate lessons learned from previous Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo space vehicles and mission situations. Due to the extended duration of a Mars manned mission, which will require extended exposure to the environment of the void of space and microgravity, physiological complexities must be predicted using simulations for conditions yet untested. This will mark yet another milestone in the history of space exploration, and healthcare technology will play a major role in its success.
机译:John F. Kennedy总统挑战了60年代后期美国的工程专业,目标是通过人类足迹触摸月球表面。 Neil Armstrong于1969年实现了这一目标。1969年至2002年期间的临时时间跨度为美国航空航天局经营的美国空间计划有许多试验和磨削。空间中的医疗保健在地球上是至关重要的,但更复杂,并通过微匍匐,有限的有限载荷和广阔的空间本身创造的生理改变而挑战。国际空间站和计划的Mars的使命将纳入以前的汞,双子座和阿波罗空间车辆和使命情况的经验教训。由于MARS的延长了持续时间,需要扩展到空间和微观度的空间环境的环境,必须使用模拟来预测生理复杂性但是未经测试的条件。这将标志着空间探索史上的另一个里程碑,医疗技术将在其成功中发挥重要作用。



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