首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Coastal Conservation >Origin, development and prospects of sand islands off the north coast of Viti Levu Island, Fiji, Southwest Pacific

Origin, development and prospects of sand islands off the north coast of Viti Levu Island, Fiji, Southwest Pacific


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This study sought to understand why/when sand islands formed off the north coast of Viti Levu Island (Fiji), how they subsequently developed, and what is likely to happen to them in future. During fieldwork in 2010 and 2016, six groups of sand islands were mapped and their sub-surface stratigraphy analysed; radiocarbon ages were obtained for 16 samples. All islands rise from emerged bevelled reefal platforms 0.55 m below msl on average. Radiocarbon ages from sediments overlying these platforms suggest they emerged above low-tide level around AD 1300. Once emerged, mangroves and/or seagrass beds developed on platform surfaces, allowing sediment to accumulate. Interior sand islands developed and grew to occupy most of the emerged platforms, pushing mangroves and seagrasses to their margins. Recent sea-level rise has seen island shorelines recede; Severe Tropical Cyclone Winston (February 2016) caused profound changes to the form of some and led to deposition of rubble banks along their fringes. This study contributes evidence for the origin, development and likely prospects of such sand islands under a changing climate. It has implications for the future sustainability of coastal ecosystems in such regions and for the livelihoods of the peoples who depend upon them.
机译:这项研究寻求理解为什么/当沙群岛从Viti Levu岛(斐济)北海岸上形成的沙岛,他们随后如何发展,以及将来可能发生在他们身上。在2010年的实地工作期间和2016年,绘制了六组沙岛,分析了他们的子表面地层;获得了16个样品的radiocarbon年龄。所有岛屿的所有岛屿都从MSL的出现0.55米以下的令人发亮的refered refal平台上升。从沉积物上覆盖的沉积物的radiocarbon年龄建议他们出现在广告1300周围的低潮层面。一旦出现,在平台表面上开发的红树林和/或海草床,允许沉积物积聚。室内沙岛开发并增长占据了大多数出现的平台,将红树林和海草推向他们的利润。最近的海平面上升已经看到岛屿海岸线退缩;严重的热带气旋温斯顿(2016年2月)对某些形式引起了深刻的变化,并导致沿着条纹沉积瓦砾银行。本研究为在变化的气候下,为这种沙岛的起源,发展和可能前景提供了迹象。它对这些地区的沿海生态系统的未来可持续性以及依赖于他们的人民的生计有影响。



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