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Assessing the effectiveness of antiretroviral regimens in cohort studies involving HIV-positive injection drug users


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Objective: We compared the effectiveness of different highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) regimens considering, separately, history of injection drug use (IDU) (yeso). DESIGN, Methods: A total of 1163 HIV-infected patients initiated HAART between 1 January 2000 and 28 February 2009 in British Columbia, Canada, and were followed until 28 February 2010. HAART effectiveness was measured by the ability to achieve viral suppression below 50 copies/ml at 6 months. We compared HAART regimens containing efavirenz and boosted atazanavir. We developed logistic regression models using different techniques to control for potential confounders. Results: Among the 1163 patients, 796 (68%) achieved viral suppression at 6 months (32% reporting a history of IDU). Different confounding models yielded very similar odds ratios for achieving viral suppression. Boosted atazanavir-based HAART demonstrated to be the most effective regimen, showing a surprisingly higher benefit for patients with a history of IDU (odds ratios from different models ranged from 1.74-1.95 to 1.45-1.51). CONCLUSIONS:: The literature has conflicting results regarding the effectiveness of HAART to treat HIV infection among those with a history of IDU. We have shown that most patients, with and without a history of IDU, were able to achieve viral suppression at 6 months. Boosted atazanavir-based HAART was the most resilient regimen and it was more effective than efavirenz-based HAART among IDUs. Given the limited inclusion of IDU in clinical trials of HAART's efficacy, a randomized clinical trial comparing different first-line HAART regimens among IDU is warranted based on these results.
机译:目的:我们比较了分别考虑注射药物使用史(IDU)(是/否)的不同高效抗逆转录病毒疗法(HAART)方案的有效性。设计,方法:2000年1月1日至2009年2月28日期间,在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省共有1163名受HIV感染的患者开始了HAART,并一直随访至2010年2月28日。HAART的有效性通过抑制50份以下病毒的能力来衡量/ ml,6个月。我们比较了含有依非韦伦和加强阿扎那韦的HAART方案。我们使用不同的技术开发了逻辑回归模型来控制潜在的混杂因素。结果:在1163例患者中,有796例(68%)在6个月时实现了病毒抑制(32%报告了IDU病史)。不同的混杂模型产生了非常相似的实现病毒抑制的比值比。增强的基于atazanavir的HAART被证明是最有效的方案,对具有IDU病史的患者显示出乎意料的更高益处(不同模型的比值范围为1.74-1.95至1.45-1.51)。结论:在具有IDU病史的人群中,有关HAART治疗HIV感染的有效性的文献存在矛盾。我们已经表明,大多数有和没有IDU病史的患者在6个月时都能实现病毒抑制。加强的基于atazanavir的HAART是最有效的方案,在IDU中比基于依非韦伦的HAART更有效。鉴于将IDU纳入HAART疗效临床试验的范围有限,因此基于这些结果,有必要比较IDU中不同一线HAART方案的随机临床试验。



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