首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B >Induced subgraphs of graphs with large chromatic number. VII. Gyarfas' complementation conjecture

Induced subgraphs of graphs with large chromatic number. VII. Gyarfas' complementation conjecture

机译:诱导具有大色数的图表的子图。 vii。 Gyarfas的互补猜想

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A class of graphs is chi-bounded if there is a function f such that chi(G) <= f (omega(G)) for every induced subgraph G of every graph in the class, where chi, omega denote the chromatic number and clique number of G respectively. In 1987, Gyarfas conjectured that for every c, if C is a class of graphs such that chi(G) <= omega(G) + c for every induced subgraph G of every graph in the class, then the class of complements of members of C is chi-bounded. We prove this conjecture. Indeed, more generally, a class of graphs is chi-bounded if it has the property that no graph in the class has c + 1 odd holes, pairwise disjoint and with no edges between them. The main tool is a lemma that if C is a shortest odd hole in a graph, and X is the set of vertices with at least five neighbours in V (C), then there is a three-vertex set that dominates X. (C) 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:如果存在函数f这样的函数f,则为CHI(g)<= f(ω(g)),其中每个诱导的类别中的每个诱导子图G的函数f,其中ki,ω_ 分别的集团数量。 1987年,Gyarfas猜测每C,如果C是一类图,例如Chi(g)<= Omega(g)+ c对于每个诱导的课程中的每个图形g的每个诱导的子图G,那么成员的补充类别 c是chi界的。 我们证明了这个猜想。 实际上,更一般地,如果它具有类中没有图形的属性具有C + 1个奇孔,则是一个类的图形是CHI界界的。 主工具是一个引理,如果C是图表中的最短奇孔,并且x是v(c)中的至少五个邻居的顶点集,那么有一个三个顶点组占主导X.(c )2019年Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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