首页> 外文期刊>European journal of combinatorics >Induced subgraphs of graphs with large chromatic number. XIII. New brooms

Induced subgraphs of graphs with large chromatic number. XIII. New brooms

机译:诱导具有大色数的图表的子图。 XIII。 新扫帚

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Gyarfas (1975) and Sumner (1981) independently conjectured that for every tree T, the class of graphs not containing T as an induced subgraph is chi-bounded, that is, the chromatic numbers of graphs in this class are bounded above by a function of their clique numbers. This remains open for general trees T, but has been proved for some particular trees. For k >= 1, let us say a broom of length k is a tree obtained from a k-edge path with ends a, b by adding some number of leaves adjacent to b, and we call a its handle. A tree obtained from brooms of lengths, k(1),..., k(n) by identifying their handles is a (k(1),..., k(n))-multibroom. Kierstead and Penrice (1994) proved that every (1,..., 1)-multibroom T satisfies the Gyarfas-Sumner conjecture, and Kierstead and Zhu (2004) proved the same for (2,..., 2)-multibrooms.
机译:Gyarfas(1975)和Sumner(1981)独立地猜测,对于每棵树T,不含作为诱导子图的图表的图形是CHI界的,即该类中的图形的彩色数量以上通过函数界定界限 他们的集团数字。 这对一般树木T保持开放,但已被证明为某些特定的树木。 对于k> = 1,让我们说长度K是从k边缘路径获得的树,通过添加与b相邻的一些叶子,b,并且我们称之为句柄。 通过识别其手柄的长度扫帚,K(1),...,K(n)获得的树是(k(1),...,k(n)) - 多边形。 Kiersead和Penrice(1994)证明,每(1,......,1) - 多种子间T满足Gyarfas-Sumner猜想,而Kiersead和朱(2004)已证明(2,...,2) - 多种子体 。



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