首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A >On weakly symmetric graphs of order twice a prime square

On weakly symmetric graphs of order twice a prime square

机译:关于弱对称的订单两次Prime Square

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A graph is weakly symmetric if its automorphism group is both vertex-transitive and edge-transitive. In 1971, Chao characterized all weakly symmetric graphs of prime order and showed that such graphs are also arc-transitive. In 1987, Cheng and Oxley determined all weakly symmetric graphs of order twice a prime and showed that these graphs are arc transitive, too. In this paper, a characterization of weakly symmetric graphs of order twice a prime square is given, and it shows that these graphs are also arc-transitive. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:如果其自式形式组是顶点传递和边缘传递,则图是弱对称的。 1971年,赵求表征了主要顺序的所有弱对称图,并表明这些图形也是弧传递的。 1987年,程和奥克斯利确定了两次序号的所有弱对称图,并显示了这些图形也是弧传递。 在本文中,给出了给出了两次黄金广场的弱对称图的表征,并且表明这些图也是弧传递的。 (c)2017年Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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