Abstract Dyck paths and positroids from unit interval orders
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Dyck paths and positroids from unit interval orders


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AbstractIt is well known that the number of non-isomorphic unit interval orders on[n]equals then-th Catalan number. Using work of Skandera and Reed and work of Postnikov, we show that each unit interval order on[n]naturally induces a ranknpositroid on[2n]. We call the positroids produced in this fashionunit interval positroids. We characterize the unit interval positroids by describing their associated decorated permutations, showing that each one must be a 2n-cycle encoding a Dyck path of length 2n. We also provide recipes to read the decorated permutation of a unit interval positroidPfrom both the antiadjacency matrix and the interval representation of the unit interval order inducingP. Using our characterization of the decorated permutation, we describe the Le-diagrams corresponding to unit interval positroids. In addition, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for two Grassmann cells parameterized by u
机译:<![cdata [ Abstract 众所周知,在 [ n ] 等于 n -th加泰罗尼亚号码。使用Skandera的工作和Postnikov的工作和工作,我们显示每个单位间隔顺序 [ n ]] 自然地引起一个等级 n pondroid on [ 2 N ] 。我们称之为在这种时尚中产生的正皮细胞单位间隔阳性斜视。我们通过描述它们相关的装饰性排列来表征单位间隔正地形,表明每个必须是2 n - 编码长度2 n 。我们还提供食谱来读取单位间隔正弦的装饰置换(斜体>斜体> P 从antiddjacenction矩阵和诱导单位间隔顺序的间隔表示 p 。利用我们的装饰排列的特征,我们描述了与单元间隔正地形相对应的le-jail.cn。此外,我们给出了由U参数化的两个基层细胞给出了必要和充分的条件



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