首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biomechanics >Investigation of the dependence of joint contact forces on musculotendon parameters using a codified workflow for image-based modelling

Investigation of the dependence of joint contact forces on musculotendon parameters using a codified workflow for image-based modelling


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The generation of subject-specific musculoskeletal models of the lower limb has become a feasible task thanks to improvements in medical imaging technology and musculoskeletal modelling software. Nevertheless, clinical use of these models in paediatric applications is still limited for what concerns the estimation of muscle and joint contact forces. Aiming to improve the current state of the art, a methodology to generate highly personalized subject-specific musculoskeletal models of the lower limb based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans was codified as a step-by-step procedure and applied to data from eight juvenile individuals. The generated musculoskeletal models were used to simulate 107 gait trials using stereophotogrammetric and force platform data as input. To ensure completeness of the modelling procedure, muscles' architecture needs to be estimated. Four methods to estimate muscles' maximum isometric force and two methods to estimate musculotendon parameters (optimal fiber length and tendon slack length) were assessed and compared, in order to quantify their influence on the models' output. Reported results represent the first comprehensive subject-specific model-based characterization of juvenile gait biomechanics, including profiles of joint kinematics and kinetics, muscle forces and joint contact forces. Our findings suggest that, when musculotendon parameters were linearly scaled from a reference model and the muscle force-length-velocity relationship was accounted for in the simulations, realistic knee contact forces could be estimated and these forces were not sensitive the method used to compute muscle maximum isometric force. (C) 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
机译:由于医学成像技术和Musculoskeletal建模软件的改进,下肢的主题特异性肌肉骨骼模型的产生已成为可行的任务。尽管如此,这些模型在儿科应用中的临床应用仍然有限,涉及肌肉和关节接触力的估计值。旨在改善本领域的当前状态,一种基于磁共振成像(MRI)扫描产生高度个性化的麦克风骨骼模型的方法,被编写为逐步的过程,并应用于来自八个的数据少年个人。生成的肌肉骨骼模型用于模拟107步态试验,使用立体光学级和力平台数据作为输入。为确保建模程序的完整性,需要估计肌肉的架构。评估并比较了四种估计肌肉的最大等距力和两种估计Musculotencon参数的方法(最佳纤维长度和肌腱松弛长度),以量化它们对模型输出的影响。据报道的结果代表了少年步态生物力学的第一种基于综合特异性模型的表征,包括关节运动学和动力学,肌肉力和关节接触力的概况。我们的研究结果表明,当从参考模型和肌肉力长速关系被算用于模拟中的肌肉力长速度关系时,可以估计逼真的膝关节,并且这些力不敏感,这些力量不敏感用于计算肌肉的方法最大的等距力。 (c)2018作者。 elsevier有限公司出版



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