首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature >Antiplasmodial, Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Activities of Extracts from Selected Medicinal Plants Growing in Tanzania

Antiplasmodial, Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Activities of Extracts from Selected Medicinal Plants Growing in Tanzania


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This paper reports on the evaluation of antiplasmodial, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of extracts from eleven plant species traditionally used by some Tanzanian coastal communities for treatment of malaria, microbial infections and related ailments. Crude extracts from selected plant species namely Acacia zanzibarica, Danais xanthorrhoea, Diospyros loureiriana ssp. rufescens, Erythrina sacleuxii, Newtonia paucijuga, Pentas lanceolata, Scorodophloensfischeri, Stuhlmannia moavi, Tarennapavettoides, Tessmannia burttii and Toussaintia orientalis growing in Tanzania were investigated using an imaging-based assay (antiplasmodial), well diffusion and microplate dilution methods (antimicrobial) and human embryonic kidney cells (HEK 293) and brine shrimp larvae assays (toxicity). The extracts exhibited activities of varying potencies and cytotoxicity with IC50 values ranging from 0.45±0.09 to 75.70±24.19 (ig/mL against Plasmodium falciparum (3D7 strain), MIC ranging from 0.25 to 2.0 mg/mL (against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans), LC50 ranging from 0.75 to 1000 (ig/mL against brine shrimp larvae {Artemia salina) and IC50ranging from 4.02±1.05 to more than 289 (Ig/mL against HEK 293 cells. The observed bioactivities of some of the investigated plant extracts validate their ethnomedicinal use and are indicative of the presence of bioactive ingredients for further phytochemical investigations.
机译:本文报告了一些坦桑尼亚沿海社区用于治疗疟疾,微生物感染和相关疾病的11种植物物种的抗癌症,抗菌药物和细胞毒性活性的评价。来自选定的植物物种的粗提取物即Acacia Zanzibarica,Danais Xanthorrhoea,Diospyros Loureiana SSP。使用基于成像的测定(抗蛋白酶),井扩散和微孔板稀释方法(抗微型药物)和人胚胎(抗微型药物)和人胚胎(抗微型药物)和人胚,研究了坦桑尼亚生长的坦桑尼亚生长坦桑尼亚,斯图尔诺伊·帕卢萨省肾细胞(HEK 293)和盐水虾幼虫测定(毒性)。提取物表现出不同型效能和细胞毒性的活性,IC50值范围为0.45±0.09至75.70±24.19(Ig / ml对抗疟原虫(3D7菌株),麦克风从0.25-2.0 mg / ml(对抗葡萄球菌,假单胞菌铜绿假单胞菌,大肠杆菌,Candida albicans和Cryptococcus Neoformans),LC50从0.75至1000(Ig / ml对盐水虾幼虫{artemia salina)和Ic5050%(Ig / ml对着HEK 293细胞的Ig / ml。观察到的生物活跃一些研究的植物提取物验证了它们的血统使用,并表明存在生物活性成分以进行进一步的植物化学研究。



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