首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Anthropological Research >'It's Neighborhood, Not Buildings': Spatial Anchors to Morals and Persons in a Portuguese Housing Project

'It's Neighborhood, Not Buildings': Spatial Anchors to Morals and Persons in a Portuguese Housing Project


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Personhood can provide ontological cement (Hickman 2014) for imagining moral objects since persons are cognitively more concrete entities than morals. I examine this proposal in a Portuguese migrant housing project where contrasting moral codes and personhood models coexisted. Local residents (Portuguese and African migrant families formerly living in slums) were involved daily in discrepant discourses and behaviors: strongly defending neighbor sharing while privately condemning it as unfair; monitoring and gossiping about neighbors' possessions to enforce sharing while concealing their own; reinforcing proximity through relatedness idioms while undermining it through distancing rhetoric; seeking mutual assistance while regretting evil and duplicity in proximate relations. I examine this ambivalence in morals and persons in light of an economic and ethical shift in postindustrial capitalist societies and show how the duality was locally reimagined through theories about housing space. Amid moral uncertainty, space became cognitively more concrete than persons.
机译:人格可以为观测道德对象提供人的本体水泥(Hickman 2014),因为人们比道德更具体地进行了更多的具体实体。我在葡萄牙移民住房项目中审视了这个提议,在那些道德规范和人格模型共存的鲜明对比。当地居民(以前居住在贫民窟的葡萄牙和非洲移民家庭)每天都在差异的话语和行为中涉及:强烈捍卫邻居分享,同时私人谴责它是不公平的;在隐瞒自己的同时监测和闲聊邻居的财产,以防止自己的共享;通过疏远言论破坏它的相关性成语加强邻近;寻求互助的辅助,同时遗憾的是在近似关系中的邪恶和重复性。鉴于邮政资本主义社会的经济和道德转变,我审视了道德和人士的这种矛盾,并展示了如何通过关于房屋空间的理论局部地恢复二元性。在道德不确定性中,空间比人更加具体。



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