首页> 外文期刊>Alternative therapies in health and medicine >Clinical utility of probiotics in inflammatory bowel disease.

Clinical utility of probiotics in inflammatory bowel disease.


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Many patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) use probiotics to manage this intestinal condition. Despite widespread use of these natural therapies by patients, health care providers may be unfamiliar with probiotics as a treatment modality. This review describes the rationale for use of probiotics in IBD, the history behind current research directions, and recent controlled clinical studies in which efficacy of probiotics has been explored in patients with IBD. Emphasis is placed upon critical analysis of study designs for investigations that used lactic acid-producing bacteria or Saccharomyces boulardii in management of Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. While there is suggestion of benefit when patients with ulcerative colitis use bacterial therapies and when patients with Crohn's disease use S boulardii, small sample sizes and methodological flaws in study designs necessitate that additional investigations be conducted before probiotics can be routinely recommended in clinical practice.
机译:许多患有炎症性肠病(IBD)的患者都使用益生菌来控制这种肠道疾病。尽管患者广泛使用了这些自然疗法,但医疗保健提供者可能并不熟悉益生菌作为治疗手段。这篇综述描述了在IBD中使用益生菌的理由,当前研究方向的历史以及最近的对照临床研究,其中已经研究了在IBD患者中益生菌的功效。重点放在研究设计的批判性分析上,这些研究使用产生乳酸的细菌或布拉氏酵母来治疗克罗恩病或溃疡性结肠炎。尽管有人建议当溃疡性结肠炎患者使用细菌疗法和克罗恩氏病患者使用S boulardii时会有益处,但研究设计的样本量小和方法学上的缺陷使得有必要在临床实践中常规推荐使用益生菌之前进行更多研究。



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