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Chronic wound treatment with topical tea tree oil.


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The following case study presents one patient's experience with treatment of a chronic lower-extremity wound using a tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) mixture applied topically. JC is an 85-year-old man with a history of more than 70 years smoking cigarettes. Prior to 2006, he had no cardiology issues and no diabetes but did have a mild case of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. He had osteoarthritis in both knees and had difficulty walking but enjoyed using his walking lawn mower, which provided some aerobic exercise. He mowed his own and several neighbors' lawns, and this kept him active 2 to 3 hours per day during the summer months. During the winter, he lived in Arizona and golfed 3 days per week.
机译:以下案例研究介绍了一位患者使用局部涂抹的茶树油(Melaleuca alternifolia)混合物治疗慢性下肢伤口的经验。 JC是一位85岁的男子,有70多年抽烟的历史。在2006年之前,他没有心脏病,也没有糖尿病,但确实患有轻度慢性阻塞性肺疾病。他的双膝骨关节炎,走路困难,但喜欢用割草机行走,提供一些有氧运动。他修剪了自己和几个邻居的草坪,在夏季,这使他每天活动2至3个小时。在冬季,他住在亚利桑那州,每周打高尔夫球3天。



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