首页> 外文期刊>Alcohol and alcoholism: international journal of the Medical Council on Alcoholism >Trends in alcohol intake by education and marital status in urban population in Russia between the mid 1980s and the mid 1990s.

Trends in alcohol intake by education and marital status in urban population in Russia between the mid 1980s and the mid 1990s.


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AIMS: We investigated changes in the distribution of alcohol consumption by education and marital status in Russia during the period of societal transformation after 1990. Such changes would indicate the potential role of alcohol in the rising social inequalities in mortality. METHODS: We analysed data from three surveys in random population samples conducted in Novosibirsk as part of the WHO MONICA project in 1985/86 (1533 men, 1292 women), 1988/89 (1700 men, no women) and 1994/95 (1526 men, 1510 women), coinciding with the period of societal transformation. Four measures of drinking were examined in relation to education and marital status: prevalence of drinking at least twice a week; the mean intake in the last week; the mean intake per drinking occasion; and the prevalence of binge drinking (>80 g ethanol for men and >60 g for women) at least once a month. RESULTS: Among men, those with university education had the lowest levels of all measures of drinking. Drinking indices increased over time in all educational groups but most sharply in men with high education, thus leading to a smaller education-related difference in the last survey. With respect to marital status, divorced and widowed men tended to drink most, but the pattern was inconsistent, and the difference between divorced and married men also narrowed over time. Among women, alcohol intake increased between the first and last survey. Differences by education and marital status in women were smaller than in men, and binge drinking was inversely related to education. CONCLUSIONS: All indices of alcohol consumption in men increased between the mid 1980s and the mid 1990s. The increase in alcohol intake among men was proportionally similar across categories of education and marital status but the absolute differences increased. The contribution of alcohol to the increase in social differentials in mortality in the 1990s was probably modest.
机译:目的:我们调查了1990年后的社会转型时期,俄罗斯按教育程度和婚姻状况划分的酒精消费分布变化。这种变化将表明酒精在死亡率上升的社会不平等中的潜在作用。方法:我们分析了新西伯利亚在1985/86年(1533名男性,1292名女性),1988/89年(1700名男性,无女性)和1994/95年(1526年)WHO MONICA项目中随机抽样的三项调查的数据男性,女性1510岁),与社会转型时期相吻合。关于教育和婚姻状况,检查了四种饮酒措施:每周至少饮酒两次。最近一周的平均摄入量;每次饮酒平均摄入量;以及每月至少一次暴饮暴食的流行(男性使用80克乙醇,女性使用60克)。结果:在男性中,受过大学教育的人的所有饮酒量水平最低。所有教育群体的饮酒指数均随时间增加,但受过高等教育的男性饮酒指数增长最为明显,因此在上次调查中与教育相关的差异较小。在婚姻状况方面,离婚和丧偶的男人往往饮酒最多,但格局不一致,离婚和已婚男人之间的差距也随着时间的流逝而缩小。在女性中,第一次调查和最后一次调查之间酒精摄入量增加。女性受教育程度和婚姻状况的差异小于男性,而且暴饮暴食与教育程度成反比。结论:从1980年代中期到1990年代中期,男性的所有酒精消耗指数均增加。男性饮酒量的增加在教育和婚姻状况的各个类别上成比例地相似,但绝对差异增加。在1990年代,酒精对死亡率社会差异增加的贡献可能很小。



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