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Acupuncture for essential hypertension.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy of acupuncture for treatment of essential hypertension and the efficacy of acupuncture using prescription adhering to the principles of "syndrome differentiation." DATA SOURCES: Medline, Embase, Cochrane Central Register, and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (September 2008). STUDY SELECTION: Randomized, controlled trials comparing acupuncture with sham acupuncture, antihypertensive drugs, Chinese herbal medicine, or exercise in essential hypertension. DATA EXTRACTION: Two reviewers independently assessed trials for inclusion, extracted data, assessed methodological quality, and extracted outcome data on blood pressure. DATA SYNTHESIS: Treatment effects were summarized as mean differences with 95% confidence intervals. Twenty trials were included: three trials were relatively rigorous while others were methodologically suboptimal. Acupuncture arms achieved significant effect modification on blood pressure compared with control arms (19 comparisons: systolic blood pressure [SBP]: mean difference -4.23 mmHg, 95% confidence intervals -6.47 to -1.99; diastolic blood pressure [DBP]: -2.53, -3.99 to -1.08), with significant heterogeneity. In high-quality trials, blood pressure was significantly lower in treatments of acupuncture plus antihypertensive drug arms than in sham-acupuncture plus hypertensive drug arms (two comparisons: SBP: -5.72 mmHg, -8.77 to -2.68; DBP: -2.80, -5.07 to -0.54), with no significant heterogeneity. As for trials using prescription adhering to the principles of syndrome differentiation, we found a significant blood pressure reduction with acupuncture arms in comparison with control arms (11 comparisons: SBP: -6.46 mmHg, -8.04 to -4.87; DBP: -3.07, -4.17 to -1.96) with no significant heterogeneity. In contrast, in trials not using prescription adhering to the principles of syndrome differentiation, we found no significant reduction in blood pressure with acupuncture arms in comparison with control arms (eight comparisons: SBP: -1.55 mmHg, -5.39 to 2.29; DBP: -2.12, -4.97 to 0.73) with significant heterogeneity. CONCLUSIONS: Because of the paucity of rigorous trials and the mixed results, these findings result in limited conclusions. More rigorously designed and powered studies are needed.
机译:目的:评估针灸治疗原发性高血压的疗效和遵循“辨证论治”原则的针灸疗效。数据来源:Medline,Embase,Cochrane中央登记册和中国国家知识基础设施(2008年9月)。研究选择:比较针灸与假针灸,降压药,中草药或原发性高血压运动的随机对照试验。数据提取:两名审阅者独立评估了纳入试验,提取数据,评估方法学质量和提取血压结局数据。数据综合:治疗效果总结为平均差异,置信区间为95%。包括20个试验:3个试验相对严格,而其他试验在方法上次优。与对照组相比,针灸组对血压的影响显着改善(19次比较:收缩压[SBP]:平均差异-4.23 mmHg,95%置信区间-6.47至-1.99;舒张压[DBP]:-2.53, -3.99至-1.08),且具有明显的异质性。在高质量的试验中,针灸加抗高血压药物治疗组的血压明显低于假针灸加高血压药物治疗组的血压(两个比较:SBP:-5.72 mmHg,-8.77至-2.68; DBP:-2.80,- 5.07至-0.54),没有明显的异质性。对于使用遵循辨证论治原则的处方进行的试验,我们发现与对照组相比,针灸组的血压显着降低(11个比较:SBP:-6.46 mmHg,-8.04至-4.87; DBP:-3.07,- 4.17至-1.96),没有明显的异质性。相比之下,在未使用遵循辨证论治原则的处方的试验中,我们发现与对照组相比,针灸组的血压没有明显降低(八项比较:SBP:-1.55 mmHg,-5.39至2.29; DBP:- 2.12,-4.97至0.73),且异质性明显。结论:由于缺乏严格的试验和复杂的结果,这些发现只能得出有限的结论。需要更严格的设计和研究。



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