首页> 外文期刊>Disability and rehabilitation. >Oxygen uptake on-kinetics before and after aerobic exercise training in individuals with traumatic brain injury

Oxygen uptake on-kinetics before and after aerobic exercise training in individuals with traumatic brain injury


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Objective: The high prevalence of fatigue among persons with traumatic brain injury (TBI) may be related to poor cardiorespiratory fitness observed in this population. Oxygen uptake on-kinetics is a method of assessing cardiorespiratory fitness and may be used to examine performance fatigability (decline in performance during a given activity) in persons with TBI. Purpose: To examine the effect of aerobic exercise training on oxygen uptake on-kinetics during treadmill walking in individuals with TBI. Methods: Seven ambulatory adults with chronic non-penetrating TBI performed short moderate-intensity (3-6 metabolic equivalents) walking bouts on a treadmill, prior to and following an aerobic exercise training program (clinicaltrials.gov: NCT01294332). The 12-week training program consisted of vigorous-intensity exercise on a treadmill for 30 min, 3 times a week. Breath-by-breath pulmonary gas exchange was measured throughout the bouts, and oxygen uptake on-kinetics described the time taken to achieve a steady-state response. Results: Faster oxygen uptake on-kinetics was observed after exercise training, for both the absolute and relative intensity as pre-training. Conclusions: Faster oxygen uptake on-kinetics following aerobic exercise training suggests an attenuated decline in physical performance during a standardized walking bout and improved performance fatigability in these individuals with TBI



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