首页> 外文期刊>Alcohol and alcoholism: international journal of the Medical Council on Alcoholism >Pairings of ethanol sipper with food induces Pavlovian autoshaping of ethanol drinking in rats: evidence of long-term retention and effects of sipper duration.

Pairings of ethanol sipper with food induces Pavlovian autoshaping of ethanol drinking in rats: evidence of long-term retention and effects of sipper duration.


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AIMS: This study asks if repeated Pavlovian pairings of a sipper tube (conditioned stimulus, CS) with food (unconditioned stimulus, US) will induce Pavlovian autoshaping conditioned responses (CRs), consisting of drinking of either 6% ethanol or water from the sipper CS. This study also tests predictions derived from the autoshaping model by asking if sipper CS-directed drinking will be retained, despite the absence of training for several weeks, and, in addition, if drinking rate is a negative function of sipper CS duration. METHODS: Autoshaping procedures, conducted in two daily sessions, consisted of the brief insertion of the sipper tube CS followed by the response-independent presentation of food US. For the Ethanol group (n = 8), the sipper CS contained 6% ethanol, whereas for the Water group (n = 8), the sipper CS contained tap water. Saccharin fading procedures were employed, whereas for both groups, during days 1-19, the sipper CS contained 0.1% saccharin, and thereafter across training days the concentration of saccharin was gradually reduced (0.07, 0.035, 0.0%). Following elimination of saccharin, both groups were maintained in their home cages during a 27-day retention interval, and then re-evaluated for autoshaping of drinking of unsweetened ethanol and water. Thereafter, across days, the duration of access to the sipper CS (5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 15.0 s) during each autoshaping trial was increased. RESULTS: Both groups increased drinking across the first 19 days of training with sipper CS-food US pairings, and, at 0.0% saccharin, the Ethanol group consumed 14.76 ml of 6% ethanol per day, resulting in a daily ethanol consumption of 2.77 g/kg. For both groups, daily levels of drinking before and after the 27-day retention interval were comparable, attesting to the durability of the acquired drinking effects. At each CS duration, the Ethanol group consumed more millilitres of fluid per day than did the Water group, and for the Ethanol group, peak drinking of 24.0 ml of 6% ethanol per day was observed at the 10 s CS duration. For both groups, drinking rate (millilitres of fluid consumed per second of CS duration), was a declining monotonic function of CS duration, resulting in a daily ethanol consumption of approximately 4.2 g/kg for the Ethanol group. CONCLUSIONS: These data reveal that these sipper CS-food US autoshaping procedures induce drinking in rats that is durable and negatively related to increasing CS duration. The effects of both variables are consistent with the hypothesis that drinking from the sipper CS is a Pavlovian autoshaping CR. Autoshaping of drinking in the Water group is observed despite the absence of water deprivation, and even more fluid is consumed by the Ethanol group than by the Water group. The high volumes of ethanol consumed during brief daily sessions suggest that Pavlovian autoshaping procedures may provide an animal learning model of binge drinking.
机译:目的:这项研究询问是否将吸管(条件刺激物,CS)与食物(无条件刺激物,US)重复进行巴甫洛夫式配对是否会引起巴甫洛夫斯定型条件反应(CR),包括从吸管中饮用6%的乙醇或水CS。这项研究还通过询问是否由吸管CS指导的饮酒得以保留,尽管经过数周的缺乏训练,以及饮酒量是否对吸管CS持续时间的负面影响,也测试了从自动塑形模型得出的预测。方法:在每天两次的会议中进行的自动整形程序包括:将吸管CS简短插入,然后独立于反应US呈现食物US。对于乙醇组(n = 8),吸管CS包含6%的乙醇,而对于水组(n = 8),吸管CS包含自来水。使用糖精褪色程序,而对于两组,在第1-19天中,吸管CS均含有0.1%的糖精,此后在整个训练日中,糖精的浓度逐渐降低(0.07、0.035、0.0%)。清除糖精后,两组均在27天的保留期内保持在自己的笼子里,然后对不加糖的乙醇和水的饮用量进行自动评估。此后,经过几天的时间,每次自动整形试验期间访问吸管CS的持续时间(5.0、7.5、10.0、15.0 s)增加了。结果:两组学生在通过训练与CS-food US配对的训练的前19天中都增加了饮酒,并且以0.0%的糖精,乙醇组每天消耗14.76 ml的6%乙醇,导致每日乙醇消耗量为2.77 g /公斤。对于两组,在27天保留间隔前后的每日饮酒水平是可比的,证明了获得性饮酒效果的持久性。在每个CS持续时间,乙醇组每天消耗的液体比水组更多,而对于乙醇组,在10 s CS持续时间每天最高饮用24.0 ml的6%乙醇。对于两组,饮酒速率(CS持续时间每秒消耗的液体毫升数)都是CS持续时间的单调函数下降,因此乙醇组的每日乙醇消耗量约为4.2 g / kg。结论:这些数据表明,这些吸管CS-food US自动成型程序可诱导大鼠饮酒,这种饮酒是持久的,并且与CS持续时间的增加呈负相关。这两个变量的影响与以下假设相吻合:从吸管CS饮用是巴甫洛夫式自动定型CR。尽管没有缺水现象,但在Water组中观察到饮水会自动改变,乙醇组消耗的液体甚至比Water组少。每天简短的会议中消耗大量乙醇,这表明巴甫洛夫式自动塑形程序可能提供暴饮暴饮的动物学习模型。



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