首页> 外文期刊>Der Hautarzt; Zeitschrift fuer Dermatologie, Venerologie, und verwandte Gebiete >Tinea corporis due to the rare geophilic dermatophyte Microsporum praecox

Tinea corporis due to the rare geophilic dermatophyte Microsporum praecox


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A 10-year-old girl suffered from tinea corporis with erythematosquamous and centrifugal growing, sparse itching lesions of her right lower arm. Fluorescence optical BlankophorA (R) preparation from skin scrapings revealed fungal hyphae. On Sabouraud's dextrose agar, the fast growing dermatophyte formed flat, peripheral radiating and convolved colonies with white, slightly yellowish to beige brown stained granular and powdery surface. The reverse side of the colonies was smooth with luminous yellow colour. Microscopically, an attitude of thin-walled spindle-shaped and echinulate (with small spins) and lanceolate macroconidia appeared. The small based macroconidia are raised in the middle and end part, however, pointy at the end ("spearhead"). Three to six or seven across septae are formed. The small piriform microconidia had an orthotropic arrangement. Chlamydospores were also formed. Urease activity was positive. Macromorphologically, Trichophyton (T.) interdigitale (formerly T. mentagrophytes) was suspected. Due to the shape of macroconidia, Microsporum (M.) gypseum and M. fulvum were also considered as possible species identification. Direct uniplex-PCR-EIA of the strains revealed negative results for T. rubrum, T. interdigitale, T. anamorph of Arthroderma benhamiae and M. canis. Sequencing analysis of the ribosomal ITS-region (18 S rRNA, ITS1, 5.8 S rRNA, ITS2, 28 S rRNA) and of the translation elongation factor 1aEuroalpha (tef-1-alpha) gene revealed the dermatophyte species M. praecox. Topical treatment was done using ciclopiroxolamine cream. M. praecox represents a geophilic dermatophyte, morphologically resembling M. gypseum. Horses are often the source of infection. In humans, M. praecox causes tinea corporis and tinea capitis. For oral treatment of dermatomycosis due to M. praecox, griseofulvin and terbinafine can be used.
机译:一位10岁的女孩患有Tunea Corporis,红斑瘤和离心生长,她右下臂的稀疏瘙痒病变。荧光光秃秃的毛细血管(R)从皮肤刮擦的制备揭示了真菌菌丝。在Sabourauge的右旋糖琼脂上,快速生长的皮肤病形成平坦,外周辐射和与白色的复杂的菌落,浅黄色,米色棕色染色颗粒状和粉状表面。菌落的反面呈光滑的黄色光滑。显微镜,薄壁纺锤形的姿态和呼吸(具有小旋转)和披针形Macroconidia出现。然而,在中间部分中,小基的Macroconidia在末端(“Spearhead”)中尖锐。形成了三到六到六个或七个。小粒状微胆性具有正交布置。还形成了莎湿孢子孢子。脲酶活性是阳性的。大分子理上,怀疑滴形粒子(T.)Interditale(以前T.宫殿)。由于Macroconidia的形状,也考虑了Microprum(M.)Gypseum和M.Fulvum作为可能的物种鉴定。菌株的直接非单三一单烯丙基EIA揭示了T. Rubrum,T. Interditale,T. arthroderma Benhamiae和M. canis的T.αα的阴性结果。核糖体的测序分析(18s rRNA,ITS1,5.8S rRNA,ITS2,28 S RRNA)和翻译伸长因子1aeuroalpha(TEF-1-α)基因显示皮肤病种类汞柱Praecox。使用Ciclopiroxolamine乳膏完成局部处理。 M. Praecox代表了一种热情的皮肤病,形态学类似的M. Gypseum。马往往是感染的来源。在人类,M.Praecox导致Tinea Corcleis和Tunea Capitis。由于M. Praecox,Griseofulvin和Terbinafine可以使用由于M. Praecox引起的皮肤病的口服治疗。



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