
Sexually Transmitted Infections in the Tropics


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Sexually transmitted infections (STI) are common all over the world and the incidence of chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and trichomoniasis alone is estimated at 500 million/year. Of these infections 75% occur in tropical countries in Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa and South as well as Southeast Asia. The bacterial infections chancroid, lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) and granuloma inguinale (GI, Donovanosis) are termed tropical STI. They occur mainly in tropical countries, i.e. regions situated between the equator and the northern and southern 23.5 degrees latitudes, regions which are characterized by hot humid climates as well as poverty and underdevelopment. These three diseases are primarily associated with ulcerations of the skin, thus their presence represents an increased risk for transmission of HIV and other STI. As with all STI, to minimize the risk of tropical infections it is essential to avoid hazardous sexual practices and to use condoms.
机译:性传播的感染(STI)普遍普遍,衣原体,淋病,淋病,梅毒和滴虫病的发生率估计为5亿/百万。 这些感染75%发生在拉丁美洲,撒哈拉以南非洲和南部的热带国家以及东南亚以及东南亚。 细菌感染细胞,淋巴植物瘤venereum(LGV)和肉芽肿(GI,Donovanosis)称为热带STI。 它们主要发生在热带国家,即位于赤道和南部和南部23.5度纬度之间的地区,其特征在于热潮气候的区域以及贫困和贫困。 这三种疾病主要与皮肤的溃疡相关,因此它们的存在表示艾滋病毒和其他STI传播的风险增加。 与所有STI一样,尽量减少热带感染的风险,避免危险的性行为并使用安全套至关重要。



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