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Heat stress has a knock-on effect on cows' rumen fill


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Heat stress is a subject which is often talked about but not always taken as seriously as it should be as a predictor of cow performance.To see the effect of summer temperatures, Ashley Morris, senior transition managementsystem (TMS) assessor for Premier Nutrition, has analysed data from about 1,600 transition cows and compared winter versus summer figures to tell us what the real impact is.Only 15% of dry cows from Premier Nutrition's TMS survey achieved an aver-age rumen fill score of 4 in August 2020. This was around a third of the number in January (46%) and February (55%).This performance hit was further compounded as fresh cows recorded with a rumen score of 4 in summer were only a quarter of those in the winter months.
机译:热应力是一个经常谈论的对象,但并不总是像母牛表现的预测一样被视为。要看看夏季气温的效果,阿什利莫里斯,高级转型管理系统(TMS)评估员的首要营养,还有 分析了大约1,600奶牛和比较冬季的数据与夏季数据相比,告诉我们真正的影响是真正的影响。最重要的15%来自Premier Nutrition的TMS调查的干奶牛,达到了4月2020年8月4日的一个Aver-Age Rumen填充得分。这是 1月份的三分之一(46%)和2月(55%)。这种绩效命中进一步复合为夏天4幅瘤胃评分的新鲜奶牛只有四分之一的冬季。



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