首页> 外文期刊>Ameghiniana: Revista de la Asociacion Paleontologica Argentina >Stratigraphic implications of latest middle Miocene to earliest late Miocene diatoms in the Navidad Formation at Lo Abarca, central Chile (33° 30’S)

Stratigraphic implications of latest middle Miocene to earliest late Miocene diatoms in the Navidad Formation at Lo Abarca, central Chile (33° 30’S)


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Neogene marine strata crop out at various localities along the Chilean coastline (see Encinas et al., 2008 and references therein). The best studied of these successions occurs in the Navidad area, between San Antonio and Punta Topocalma (33°30’- 34°30’S) (figure 1). Named and described by Darwin (1846) as the Navidad Formation, the geology and paleontology of this unit was subsequently studied by many other authors (e.g., Philippi, 1887; Bruggen, 1950; García, 1968; Tavera, 1979) and has been considered the stratigraphic reference for the marine Neogene of Chile (e.g., Cecioni, 1980; De Vries and Frassinetti, 2003). However, its age, stratigraphy and depositional environment were a matter of debate for several decades (e.g., Brüggen, 1950; García, 1968; Tavera, 1979; Encinas et al., 2006). Recent foraminiferal and sedimentologic studies indicate a late Miocene to early Pliocene age and a deep-marine setting for this unit (Finger et al., 2007; Encinas et al., 2008). Yet, the older latest Oligocene to middle Miocene age proposed for the molluscan fauna of this unit (De Vries and Frassinetti, 2003) still constitutes an unresolved problem (see below).
机译:新近纪海相地层在智利海岸线上的各个地方播种(参见Encinas等,2008及其参考文献)。对这些演替的最深入研究是在圣安东尼奥市和蓬塔托帕玛(Panta Topocalma)之间(南纬33°30-34°30′)的纳维达德地区(图1)。达尔文(1846)将其命名并描述为纳维达组,后来许多其他作者研究了该单元的地质学和古生物学(例如Philippi,1887; Bruggen,1950;García,1968; Tavera,1979)。智利海洋新近系的地层参考(例如Cecioni,1980; De Vries和Frassinetti,2003)。但是,其年龄,地层和沉积环境一直是数十年来的争论问题(例如,布吕根(Brüggen),1950年;加西亚(García),1968年;塔维拉(Tavera),1979年;恩西纳斯(Encinas)等人,2006年)。最近的有孔虫和沉积学研究表明中新世晚期至上新世早期,以及该单元的深海环境(Finger等,2007; Encinas等,2008)。然而,针对该单元的软体动物群提出的最新的渐新世至中新世中期(De Vries and Frassinetti,2003)仍然构成了一个尚未解决的问题(见下文)。



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