首页> 外文期刊>Hydrobiologia >Native salt-tolerant grass species for habitat restoration, their acclimation and contribution to improving edaphic conditions: a study from a degraded mangrove in the Indian Sundarbans

Native salt-tolerant grass species for habitat restoration, their acclimation and contribution to improving edaphic conditions: a study from a degraded mangrove in the Indian Sundarbans


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The Sundarbans is the largest continuous block of mangrove distributed over both India and Bangladesh and is threatened with pronounced erosion and mudflat degradation in its western reaches. Since 2013, considerable progress has been achieved through the restoration of highly degraded mudflats by the extensive utilization of four native grass species plantings, Porteresia coarctata, Myriostachya wightiana, Paspalum vaginatum, and Sporobolus virginicus. These grasses proved to exhibit the highest survival (80-90%) in the lower and middle intertidal zone and during the last three years (2013-2016) almost 6000 m(2) area have been restored by the growth of these grasses. Increased osmolyte synthesis under degraded conditions in these native grasses offered osmotic protection and helped to expand and restore the mudflat to an elevation suitable for mangrove establishment. The rhizosphere of the four grasses was engaged in the decomposition cycle, releasing more nutrients, more nutrient cycling soil microbial enzymes, and encouraged high densities of nutrient cycling bacteria. The study demonstrates that stabilization and reclamation of the denuded mudflat by halotolerant grasses is an essential prerequisite for any successful mangrove restoration program. The facilitative role of the salt marsh is crucial to aid colonization by mangrove propagules.
机译:Sundarbans是印度和孟加拉国两家印度和孟加拉国的最大连续块,并受到其西部地区的明显侵蚀和泥泞劣化的威胁。自2013年以来,通过恢复高度退化的泥斑,通过广泛利用四种天然草种植,Porteresia Coarctata,Myriostachya Wightiana,Paspalum Vaginatum和Sporobolus Virginicus来实现相当大的进展。这些草被证明在跨境和中间间潮间区和中间间潮间区的最高生存(80-90%),在过去三年(2013-2016)中,这些草的增长已经恢复了近6000米(2)区。这些天然草中的降解条件下的渗透性合成增加,提供了渗透保护,并有助于扩展和恢复适合红树林建立的海拔的泥土。四草的根际从事分解周期,释放更多的营养,更营养的循环土壤微生物酶,并鼓励高密度的营养循环细菌。该研究表明,通过Halotolerant Grasses稳定和剥离泥浆的稳定和填海物是任何成功的红树林恢复程序的必要先决条件。盐沼的促进作用对于红树林繁殖的殖民化至关重要。



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