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Performance of 'Chambourcin' Winegrape on Nematode-resistant Rootstocks in Missouri


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One of the most popular winegrapes (Vitis sp.) for red wine production in the midwestern United States is 'Chambourcin', a French-American hybrid. It is typically produced on own-rooted vines in the region, but the potential benefits of grafting it to improved rootstocks are becoming better-known. Nematodes present occasional serious winegrape production challenges in the midwestern United States, and are capable of transmitting pathogenic viruses. New rootstocks developed by University of California, Davis (UCD GRN series) are resistant to several species and races of nematodes, but have not been evaluated under midwestern U.S. production conditions. A study with 'Chambourcin' grafted to four of these new nematode-resistant rootstocks (`UCD GRN-2', 'UCD GRN-3', 'UCD GRN-4', and 'UCD GRN-5') and 'Couderc 3309', along with own-rooted vines was established in 2010 in southwest Missouri, and fruited in 2013-15. Three of the nematode-resistant rootstocks (GRN-2, 3, 4) performed as well as the standard 'Couderc 3309' and own-rooted vines, with yields among all rootstocks ranging from 10 to 13 kg/vine. The rootstock 'UCD GRN-5' generally performed poorly, however, manifested by low pruning weights and a high Ravaz index value (25) in 2013 that necessitated defruiting the vines in 2014. Fruit yields on 'UCD GRN-5' rootstocks were satisfactory in 2013 and 2015, but the vines eventually deteriorated, with 99% shootless nodes by 2017. Although more evaluations of these new rootstocks are needed in the midwestern United States, we conclude that 'UCD GRN-2', 'UCD GRN-3', and 'UCD GRN-4' show promise, whereas 'UCD GRN-5' does not appear suitable for growing conditions in southern Missouri.
机译:其中最热门的酿酒葡萄的(葡萄属)的红葡萄酒生产在美国中西部是“Chambourcin”,一个法国裔的混合体。它通常产生在该地区自根藤蔓,但它嫁接砧木改善的潜在益处变得更知名。线虫存在于美国中西部偶尔严重的酿酒葡萄生产的挑战,并能传播致病病毒的。由加州大学戴维斯分校(UCD GRN系列)大学开发新砧木对几个物种和线虫的种族性,但尚未美国中西部的生产条件下进行评估。与 'Chambourcin' A研究接枝到这些新的抗线虫的砧木的四(`UCD GRN-2' , 'UCD GRN-3', 'UCD GRN-4' 和 'UCD GRN-5')和“Couderc 3309 ”,用自己的根葡萄藤沿着西南密苏里州成立于2010年,并在2013-15结实。的线虫抗性砧木(GRN-2,3,4)的三个执行以及标准的“Couderc 3309”和自根葡萄藤,与所有砧木从10至13千克/藤测距中的产率。砧木“UCD GRN-5”通常表现不佳,然而,通过在2013低修剪重量和高Ravaz索引值(25),其在必要的“UCD GRN-5”砧木2014果实产量defruiting葡萄藤表现是令人满意的在2013年和2015年,但最终藤蔓恶化,到2017年99%shootless节点虽然需要在美国中西部的这些新砧木更多的评估,我们的结论是“UCD GRN-2”,“UCD GRN-3”和“UCD GRN-4”有希望,而“UCD GRN-5”不适合出现在密苏里州南部的生长条件。



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