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Why Authenticity May Be an Inherent Bioethical DBS Concern


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In their article, Johansson and colleagues (2014) propose to make a distinction between two types of bioethical concerns related to deep brain stimulation (DBS). First are inherent concerns, related to the DBS technology per se, which are "concerns that address the defining features of the technology itself" (Johansson et al. 2014, 27) The scope of such concerns is limited, because they only regard "the main defining features of DBS [which] are (a) an electronic device (b) chronically implanted in the brain (c) stimulating the brain to alter brain function." Johansson and colleague argue that many of the present concerns about DBS fall outside of this "inherent" concern definition. In fact, according to their proposal, only some technical, spatial, temporal aspects of DBS (like being located in the brain) are related to inherent bioethical concerns. The rest of the DBS effects, which have had such an impact on the bioethical debate, are, apparently, no more than side effects that are likely to disappear over time, and therefore noninherent bioethical DBS concerns.
机译:Johansson及其同事(2014年)在他们的文章中建议区分与深部脑刺激(DBS)有关的两种生物伦理关注。首先是与DBS技术本身相关的固有问题,即“解决技术本身定义特征的问题”(Johansson等人,2014,27),此类问题的范围是有限的,因为它们仅考虑“ DBS的主要定义特征是(a)电子设备(b)长期植入大脑中(c)刺激大脑以改变大脑功能。” Johansson和他的同事认为,当前有关DBS的许多关注不在此“固有”关注定义范围之内。实际上,根据他们的建议,DBS仅在技术,空间和时间方面(例如位于大脑中)与内在的生物伦理问题有关。显然,对生物伦理​​学辩论产生了这种影响的其余DBS效应,只不过是随着时间的流逝而可能消失的副作用,因此,非固有的生物伦理学DBS担忧。



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