
Intended Consequences of Computer-Based Core and Certifying Exams in Diagnostic Radiology


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In the May 2008 issue of the AJR, Colletti and Larson and Saket address the American Board of Radiology's (ABR) decision to transform its current diagnostic radiology examination processes to a computer-based core examination after 36 months of residency and a computer-based certifying examination 15 months after the end of residency training. The articles prompted a request by AJR Editor Thomas H. Berquist for a response from the leadership of the ABR. This article by ABR Executive Director Gary J. Becker and President N. Reed Dunnick provides that response on behalf of the ABR Board of Trustees. As expected, the two cited commentaries address different issues, and their authors have taken fundamentally different approaches. Therefore, the following response is organized to address each of the articles separately.
机译:在AJR的2008年5月号中,Colletti和Larson和Saket谈到了美国放射学委员会(ABR)的决定,即经过36个月的居住和计算机认证后,将其当前的放射诊断学检查流程转换为基于计算机的核心检查居住培训结束后15个月的考试。文章促使AJR编辑Thomas H. Berquist请求ABR领导的回应。 ABR执行董事Gary J. Becker和总裁N. Reed Dunnick的这篇文章代表ABR董事会提供了该回复。不出所料,引用的两个评论针对的是不同的问题,其作者采用了根本不同的方法。因此,组织以下答复以分别解决每个条款。



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