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As Insurers Exit Affordable Care Act Marketplaces, So Do Consumers


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Insurer participation in the Marketplaces for individual health insurance has been lower than expected, with large declines among states using the HealthCare.gov platform for policy years 2017 and 2018. Using HealthCare.gov enrollment data, we examined how insurer exits from the Marketplaces affected consumers' decisions to reenroll-that is, to continue Marketplace participation-in policy years 2015-18. Insurer exit was associated with increased likelihood of consumer disenrollment from Marketplace coverage. The increase was twice as large for unsubsidized consumers (18.3 percentage points) than for consumers who received subsidies in the form of Advance Premium Tax Credits (8.7 percentage points) and was largely independent of premium increases measured using the lowest-cost silver plan available. However, premiums increased more in areas affected by insurer exits than in unaffected areas, contributing to increased disenrollment among unsubsidized consumers in policy years 2016-18. These findings suggest that maintaining insurer participation could encourage continued enrollment in the Marketplaces, while preserving competition to limit premium increases.
机译:保险公司参与个人健康保险市场的市场市场低于预期,各国之间的巨大下降2017年和2018年政策年度政策年度。使用Healthcare.gov注册数据,我们审查了保险公司如何从影响的消费者退出“重新罗尔的决定 - 即,继续市场参与政策年度2015-18。保险公司出口与市场覆盖范围的消费者脱颖而出的可能性增加有关。增加的消费者(18.3个百分点)增加了两倍,而不是获得预付溢价税收税的形式补贴的消费者(8.7个百分点),并且在很大程度上独立于使用最低价格的银计划测量的溢价增加。然而,保险公司在保险公司进入影响的地区增加更多的保险费,这导致了2016 - 18年政策年度未补偿消费者之间的脱扣。这些调查结果表明,维持保险公司参与可能会鼓励在市场上继续入学,同时保持竞争限制溢价。



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