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It's Still The Prices, Stupid: Why The US Spends So Much On Health Care, And A Tribute To Uwe Reinhardt


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A 2003 article titled "It's the Prices, Stupid," and coauthored by the three of us and the recently deceased Uwe Reinhardt found that the sizable differences in health spending between the US and other countries were explained mainly by health care prices. As a tribute to him, we used Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Health Statistics to update these analyses and review critiques of the original article. The conclusion that prices are the primary reason why the US spends more on health care than any other country remains valid, despite health policy reforms and health systems restructuring that have occurred in the US and other industrialized countries since the 2003 article's publication. On key measures of health care resources per capita (hospital beds, physicians, and nurses), the US still provides significantly fewer resources compared to the OECD median country. Since the US is not consuming greater resources than other countries, the most logical factor is the higher prices paid in the US. Because the differential between what the public and private sectors pay for medical services has grown significantly in the past fifteen years, US policy makers should focus on prices in the private sector.
机译:题为“这是美国三者和最近已故的Uwe Reinhardt的”这是价格,愚蠢,“和同一组织的标题,发现美国和其他国家之间健康支出的大量差异主要是由医疗保健价格解释的。作为对他的致敬,我们使用了经济合作与发展组织(经合组织)卫生统计,以更新原始文章的这些分析和审查批评。价格是,尽管美国和其他工业化国家自2003年文章自2003年以来,美国和其他工业化国家发生的健康政策改革和卫生系统重组,但价格是美国在医疗保健的主要原因。关于人均医疗资源的关键措施(医院病床,医师和护士),与经合组织中位国家相比,美国仍然提供了明显更少的资源。由于美国不得耗费更多资源,而不是其他国家,最合乎逻辑的因素是在美国支付的价格较高。由于在过去的十五年中,公共和私营部门支付的私营部门之间的差异,美国政策制定者应关注私营部门的价格。



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