首页> 外文期刊>Heredity: An International Journal of Genetics >The IICR and the non-stationary structured coalescent: towards demographic inference with arbitrary changes in population structure

The IICR and the non-stationary structured coalescent: towards demographic inference with arbitrary changes in population structure


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In the last years, a wide range of methods allowing to reconstruct past population size changes from genome-wide data have been developed. At the same time, there has been an increasing recognition that population structure can generate genetic data similar to those produced under models of population size change. Recently, Mazet et al. (Heredity 116:362-371, 2016) showed that, for any model of population structure, it is always possible to find a panmictic model with a particular function of population size changes, having exactly the same distribution of T2 (the coalescence time for a sample of size two) as that of the structured model. They called this function IICR (Inverse Instantaneous Coalescence Rate) and showed that it does not necessarily correspond to population size changes under non-panmictic models. Besides, most of the methods used to analyse data under models of population structure tend to arbitrarily fix that structure and to minimise or neglect population size changes. Here, we extend the seminal work of Herbots (PhD thesis, University of London, 1994) on the structured coalescent and propose a new framework, the Non-Stationary Structured Coalescent (NSSC) that incorporates demographic events (changes in gene flow and/or deme sizes) to models of nearly any complexity. We show how to compute the IICR under a wide family of stationary and non-stationary models. As an example we address the question of human and Neanderthal evolution and discuss how the NSSC framework allows to interpret genomic data under this new perspective.
机译:在过去的几年中,已经开发出了广泛的方法,允许重建过去的人口尺寸从基因组数据发生变化。与此同时,越来越难以识别,即人口结构可以产生类似于人口大小变化模型产生的遗传数据。最近,Mazet等人。 (遗传116:362-371,2016)表明,对于任何人口结构模型,总是可以找到一个具有特定群体尺寸变化功能的持帕米奇模型,具有完全相同的T2(聚结时间大小的样本为2)作为结构化模型的样本。它们称为该功能IICR(逆瞬时聚结率)并表明它不一定对应于非持孔模型下的人口尺寸变化。此外,用于分析人口结构模型下数据的大多数方法往往是任意修复该结构,并最大限度地减少或忽略群体尺寸变化。在这里,我们在结构化的结束上扩展了兆头(伦敦大学,1994年)的开创性工作,并提出了一种新的框架,该框架,包括人口事件的非稳定性结构化的结段(NSSC)(基因流和/或改变Deme尺寸)到几乎任何复杂性的模型。我们展示了如何在广泛的静止和非静止模型中计算IICR。作为一个例子,我们解决了人类和尼安德特人类演变的问题,并讨论了NSSC框架如何在这种新的视角下解释基因组数据。



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