首页> 外文期刊>Helgoland marine research >Dynamics of a Limecola(Macoma) balthica population in a tidal flat area in the western Wadden Sea: effects of declining survival and recruitment

Dynamics of a Limecola(Macoma) balthica population in a tidal flat area in the western Wadden Sea: effects of declining survival and recruitment


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We followed the dynamics of the population of the bivalve Limecola (Macoma) balthica in the westernmost part of the Wadden Sea by monitoring for 44 years (1973-2016) its numbers and age composition at 15 sites in a 50-km~2 tidal-flat area. During the first half of this period, the annual recruitment and adult survival were at a relatively constant level, resulting in rather constant numbers. During the second half of the observation period, annual recruitment and adult survival showed declining trends, resulting in seriously reduced adult abundance. Sudden substantial reduc-tions in adult survival started around 1996 at a few sites to spread over the entire area within 5 years, like an infectious disease. The resulting small adult stocks produced small numbers of recruits. The stock-recruitment curve showed an increasing part up to about 30 adults m~(-2), followed by invariably successful recruitments at > 40 adults m~(-2). Both recruitment and adult survival were negatively related to water temperatures. However, elevated temperatures after 1997 could not explain the very low survival rates observed after 1996 and the very low recruitment success after 2003. So far, recovery of the population has hardly taken place, with both recruitment and adult survival at lower levels than observed for the initial stable period.
机译:通过监测44岁(1973-2016)在50公里〜2潮汐中的15个地点,在瓦登海最西部地区(1973-2016)中的最西部地区(1973-2016)中的最西方百分点(Macoma)Balthica的动态。平坦区域。在此期间的上半年,年度招聘和成人存活率处于相对恒定的水平,导致相当恒定的数量。在观察期的下半年期间,年度招聘和成人生存率显示出趋势下降,成年大量严重降低。成人生存中的突然性大幅减少在1996年左右开始在几个地点蔓延到5年内的整个地区,如传染病。由此产生的小型成年股产生了少数新兵。股票招聘曲线表明,越来越多的成人M〜(-2),其次是成功招生> 40成年人M〜(-2)。招聘和成人存活均与水温呈负相关。然而,1997年后的高温无法解释1996年后观察到的非常低的生存率,并且在2003年之后的招聘成功非常低。到目前为止,人口恢复几乎没有发生,招聘和成人生存率低于观察到的较低水平最初的稳定期。



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