首页> 外文期刊>Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment >Photo-identification, Site Fidelity,and Movement of Female Gray Seals(Halichoerusgrypus)Between Haul-outs in the Baltic Sea

Photo-identification, Site Fidelity,and Movement of Female Gray Seals(Halichoerusgrypus)Between Haul-outs in the Baltic Sea


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The growing gray seal population in the Baltic Sea has led to increased conflicts with fisheries. Despite limited data on gray seal ecology, management measures, such as culling, have been implemented recently. We studied movements and site fidelity of Baltic gray seals using mark-recapture analysis based on photographic identification of individuals (photo-id). Seals were photographed at the major summer haul-out sites. Profile photographs of the head and neck were matched using purpose-written software to generate a database of capture histories from 1995-2000. The haul-outs were grouped into seven areas. Darroch's method (20) for a two-sample capture-recapture census was adapted to estimate rates of movement between the areas. The majority of seals were estimated to remain within the same area, suggesting that Baltic gray seals exhibit a high degree of site fidelity during the summer, and that fidelity to a site lasts for more than one season.
机译:波罗的海灰海豹种群的增加导致与渔业的冲突增加。尽管关于灰海豹生态学的数据有限,但最近已实施了诸如扑杀等管理措施。我们使用基于个人照片识别(照片ID)的标记夺回分析研究了波罗的海灰海豹的运动和部位逼真度。在主要的夏季撤离地点拍摄了海豹的照片。使用专门编写的软件对头部和颈部的个人资料照片进行匹配,以生成1995-2000年捕获历史的数据库。拖运活动分为七个区域。 Darroch的两次抽样人口普查方法(20)适用于估计区域之间的移动速率。据估计,大多数海豹都留在同一地区,这表明波罗的海灰海豹在夏季表现出高度的现场保真度,并且对现场的保真度持续了一个以上的季节。



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