首页> 外文期刊>World Journal of Surgery: Official Journal of the Societe Internationale de Chirurgie, Collegium Internationale Chirurgiae Digestivae, and of the International Association of Endocrine Surgeons >The Risk of Erectile Dysfunction Following Pelvic Angiographic Embolization in Pelvic Fracture Patients: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan

The Risk of Erectile Dysfunction Following Pelvic Angiographic Embolization in Pelvic Fracture Patients: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan


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BackgroundPelvic fracture with hypovolemic shock is a known crucial injury in trauma patients. Pelvic fracture with vessel injury often leads to hemodynamic complications; in a trauma scenario, evidence of other systems being affected is often absent. Bleeding cessation and resuscitation are important for these types of trauma patients. For this purpose, pelvic angiographic embolization is frequently used. Multiple studies have reported that angiographic embolization may cause erectile dysfunction (ED) in hemodynamically stable patients with pelvic fracture. However, no study has evaluated a large patient cohort with a long-term follow-up. We hypothesized that angiographic embolization to control bleeding may compromise blood supply to the genitourinary organs or cause secondary neurogenic injury that increases the risk of ED. Our goal was to evaluate the risk of ED following pelvic fractures in male patients treated with pelvic angiographic embolization.MethodsWe used data from the National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD) from 1997 to 2010 provided by the Bureau of National Health Insurance of the Department of Health in Taiwan. We collected disease histories from inpatient files. The disease diagnoses were based on the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification. These data were all deidentified, and we did not contact the patients. As such, informed consent was not needed.ResultsEighty-five and 82,802 patients were included in the case and control cohorts, respectively. All patients were aged 15-45, and the proportion of pelvic fracture locations was equal between the groups. After investigating the causes of ED among male patients aged 15-45 with pelvic fractures using logistic regression analysis in a generalized estimating equations model and after adjusting for the influence of confounders, we found that these patients had high risks (odds ratio (OR): 32.637; 95% confidence interval: 14.137-75.346; P 0.001) of developing ED post-angiographic embolization.ConclusionsMale patients in Taiwan with pelvic fractures who undergo angiographic embolization to control bleeding have a higher risk of ED than those who do not undergo the procedure. Physicians should practice caution and inform patients of this connection before the procedure.
机译:背景髓质骨折患有缓血休克是创伤患者的已知关键损伤。盆腔损伤的骨盆骨折通常导致血液动力学并发症;在创伤场景中,往往不存在受影响的其他系统的证据。出血停止和复苏对这些类型的创伤患者都很重要。为此目的,经常使用盆腔血管造影栓塞。据报道,多种研究报告称,血管造影栓塞可能导致骨盆骨折血流动力学稳定患者中的勃起功能障碍(ED)。然而,没有研究过大的患者队列,具有长期随访。我们假设血管造影栓塞以控制出血可能会对泌尿生殖器官造成血液供应,或引起次要神经源性损伤,从而提高了ed的风险。我们的目标是评估用盆腔血管造影栓塞治疗的男性患者骨盆骨折的风险。近一九七年到2010年国家健康保险研究数据库(NHIRD)的使用数据由国家健康保险局提供的台湾健康。我们从住院文件中收集了疾病历史。该疾病诊断基于国际疾病(ICD),第九修订,临床修改的国际分类。这些数据都是职业的,我们没有联系患者。因此,不需要知情同意书。案例和82,802名患者分别包括在案例和控制队列中。所有患者均为15-45岁,骨盆骨折位置的比例在组之间等于。在通过在广义估算方程模型中使用Logistic回归分析和调整混淆的影响之后,使用Logistic回归分析进行骨盆骨折的男性患者的原因,我们发现这些患者的风险高(OTDS比率(或): 32.637; 95%置信区间:14.137-75.346; p <0.001)开发ED后血管造影栓塞。台湾的腹膜骨折患者患有血管侵蚀性的腹膜骨折,控制出血的风险较高,而不是那些没有经历的人的风险步骤。医生应该在手术前谨慎行事,并告知患者这种联系。



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