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Ambush marketing: when sponsors cry “foul'


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Ads bombard us daily - television, billboards, search engines and websites, apps, print and radio. Brands seek ways to break through this noise, to create a buzz and drive consumer demand for their products. In this pursuit, advertisers sometimes invest in sponsoring a big event, a famous individual or a team to leverage fans' excitement to promote the sponsor's brand. Events like the Olympic Games, the World Cup and the Super Bowl, to name a few, attract corporate sponsors that pay large sums, often in the hundreds of millions of dollars, to gain greater exposure for their brands. Sponsorships typically confer exclusive rights in a category to the sponsor, which can advertise itself as the official sponsor in that category, e.g., the official soft drink of the event.
机译:广告轰炸我们每日 - 电视,广告牌,搜索引擎和网站,应用程序,打印和收音机。 品牌寻求突破这种噪音的方法,为他们的产品创造嗡嗡声并推动消费者需求。 在这次追求中,广告商有时投资于赞助一个大型活动,一个着名的个人或团队,以利用粉丝的兴奋来推广赞助商的品牌。 像奥运会一样的活动,世界杯和超级碗,名称少数,吸引公司赞助商支付大笔资金,往往在数亿美元中,为他们的品牌获得更大的曝光。 赞助商通常会赋予赞助商在一个类别中的专有权,这可以作为该类别的官方赞助商宣传,例如,这一类别的官方软饮料。



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