首页> 外文期刊>Alexandria Journal of Agricultural Research >Effect of Row Orientation, Mow Spacing and Plant Population Density on Grain Yield and Other Agronomic Traits in Maize (Zea mays L.)

Effect of Row Orientation, Mow Spacing and Plant Population Density on Grain Yield and Other Agronomic Traits in Maize (Zea mays L.)

机译:行距,割距和植物种群密度对玉米(Zea mays L.)籽粒产量及其他农艺性状的影响

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The present investigation was conducted at three locations; ic, Sakha, Gemmeiza and Nuabaria Agric. Res. Stos., Field Crops Res. Inst., Agric. Res. Center, during the two growing seasons of 2007 and 2008 to study the effect of rows orientation, rows spacing and plant density on maize growth and yield. Single cross hybrid (SC 10) was used in this study. Two field trials were conducted at each location, one for row orientation of East-West (E-W), and the other for North-South (N-S). Number of treatments in each trial was nine treatments which were the combinations of: 1. Three row spaces; i.e., 60,70 and 80 cm, and 2. Three plant population densities; i.e., 20,000,25,000 and 30,000 plants fad"1. Each row orientation treatment was planted in a separateexperiment, arranged according to a split-plot design, with four replications, where row spacing was arranged in the main plots, while, plant population density treatments was arranged in the sub- plots. Combined analysis was performed among row orientation experiments, where replications were nested within row orientation for each year. The previous crop was wheat for all trials. Soil type was clay loam at Sakha and Gemmeiza, whereas, it was calcarious at Nubaria. Results indicated that planting maizeon rows oriented from East to West (E-W) led to a significant reduction in number of days from planting to 50% tasseling and silking, at Gemmeiza and Nubaria in 2007 season, and at Nubaria in 2008 season. This treatment led, also, to a significant increase in plant and ear height at all locations in the two years, except for Sakha in 2008 season, for plant height, and Gemmeiza in 2007 for ear height. The same treatment significantly increased grain yield at all locations in the two years, except at Sakha and Gemmeiza in the second season. Planting maize on rows, spaced 80 cm, significantly reduced the number of days from planting to 50% tasseling and silking at both locations in 2007 and 2008 growing seasons. Maize plants became tall with high ear placement when planted on rows spaced of 80 cm. Planting maize on 80 cm rows led to a significant increase in plant and ear height, as well as grain yield per plant and per faddan, compared with 60 and 70 cm row-spacing's. The effect of plant population density on plant height differed with locations and seasons (environments). Increasing plant population density up to 30,000 plants fad"1 led to a significant reduction in plant height at Gemmeiza, while, increasing plant population density up to 30,000 plants, at Nubaria, resulted in a significant increase in plant height in both growing seasons. For ear height, the effect of plant population density was significant only at Nubaria in 2007 growing season, while, it was_significant at all locations in 2008growing season. Increasing plant population density was associated with a significant reduction in grain yield per plant at all locations in both growing seasons. Grain yield (in ardab per faddan) significantly increased as plant population density increased up to 30,000 plants fad~(-1)
机译:本调查在三个地点进行; ic,Sakha,Gemmeiza和Nuabaria Agric。 Res。 Stos。,田间作物研究。研究所,农业。 Res。中心,在2007年和2008年的两个生长季节中,研究行的方向,行距和植物密度对玉米生长和产量的影响。在这项研究中使用单杂交种(SC 10)。在每个位置进行了两次野外试验,一项是东西向(E-W)的行方向测试,另一项是北南(N-S)的行方向测试。每个试验中的治疗数量为9种治疗,它们是以下各项的组合:1.三行空间;即60,70和80 cm,以及2。三种植物种群密度;分别是20,000,25,000和30,000种植物。“ 1。将每行定向处理种植在一个单独的实验中,该实验按照裂地设计进行,重复四次,其中在主地中排列行距,而植物种群密度处理方式在子图中进行,在行方向实验之间进行组合分析,每年重复进行嵌套在行方向内的实验,所有试验中以前的作物均为小麦,土壤类型为萨哈和杰米扎的黏土壤土,而结果表明,从东部到西部(EW)定向种植玉米行导致2007年季节的Gemmeiza和Nubaria以及在Nubaria的Nubaria从种植到抽雄和绢丝的天数显着减少,降至50%。 2008年季节。这种处理方式还导致两年中所有位置的植物和穗高度显着增加,除了2008年季节的Sakha和2007年的Gemmeiza以外耳朵的高度。在第二年中,除了第二季的Sakha和Gemmeiza以外,相同的处理方式显着提高了所有地区的谷物产量。在2007年和2008年的两个生长季节中,在80 cm的行距上种植玉米,将两天的抽穗和and丝天数大大减少,减少了50%。当玉米种植在间隔为80 cm的行上时,其穗高就很高。与60和70 cm行距相比,在80 cm行距上种植玉米导致植物和穗高的显着提高,以及每株植物和每faddan的谷物产量的显着增加。植物种群密度对植物高度的影响随位置和季节(环境)的不同而不同。将植物种群密度增加到30,000株fad“ 1导致Gemmeiza的植物高度显着降低,而在Nubaria上升到30,000株植物的植物密度,导致两个生长季节的植物高度显着增加。穗高,植物种群密度的影响仅在2007年生长季的努巴里亚州显着,而在2008年生长季节的所有地区均显着,植物种群密度的增加与这两个地区所有位置的单株谷物产量的显着降低有关随着植物种群密度增加至30,000株fad〜(-1),谷物产量(以每阿法丹的ardab为单位)显着增加。



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