首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Parasitology >In vitro evaluation of the ovistatic and ovicidal effect of the cosmopolitan filamentous fungi isolated from soil on Ascaris suum eggs.

In vitro evaluation of the ovistatic and ovicidal effect of the cosmopolitan filamentous fungi isolated from soil on Ascaris suum eggs.


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The ovicidal activity of seven fungal strains: Acremonium alabamense, Alternaria chlamydospora, Cladosporium herbarum, Fusarium solani, Paecilomyces variotii, Paecilomyces viridis and Penicillium verruculosum isolated from urban soil samples from Poland was determined in vitro. The fungal mycelium was co-cultured with Ascaris suum eggs on plates with 2% water-agar for 28 days. Eggs exposed and unexposed (control) to fungal mycelium were observed weekly by light microscopy and the percentage of malformed eggs were determined. The eggs were classified according to following parameters: type 1 - biochemical and physiological effect without morphological damage to the eggshell; type 2 - lytic effect with morphological alteration of the eggshell and embryo; type 3 - lytic effect with morphological alteration of eggshell and embryo with hyphal penetration and internal egg colonization. All examined species of fungi extended embryogenesis, but the retardation of embryonic development was varied and depended on the species. A. alabamense, A. chlamydospora and P. verruculosum exhibited very high inhibitory activity on A. suum egg development. The fungus-exposed eggs revealed morphological alternations in all stages of embryogenesis. Isolates of F. solani, P. variotii and P. viridis showed hyphal penetration and internal colonization of A. suum eggs (type 3 effect). No appressoria were produced and simple hyphal penetrations were most commonly observed. A. alabamense and P. verruculosum demonstrated morphological destruction, with eggshell destruction. The remaining fungi showed type 1 effect. The results demonstrated that examined strains of F. solani, P. variotii and P. viridis may be considered to be potential limiting factors of parasitic geohelminth populations.
机译:体外测定,七菌菌株,intercaria alabamense,Cladaria inclamydospora,Cladarium Hermysa,Cladosporium植物生殖器,福尼霉菌和从波兰的城市土壤样品中分离出来的Poecilomyces和青霉霉菌。真菌菌丝菌丝体与蛔虫蛋蛋与2%水琼脂的平板共同培养28天。通过光学显微镜观察曝光和未曝光(对照)对真菌菌丝体的蛋,测定畸形卵的百分比。根据以下参数进行分类卵:1型 - 生物化学和生理效果,没有对蛋壳的形态损伤; 2型 - 含蛋壳和胚胎形态学改变的裂变效应; 3型 - 具有蛋壳和胚胎的形态学改变,具有悬垂性渗透和内部蛋灭菌的形态学改变。所有检查的真菌种类延长胚胎发生,但胚胎发育的延迟变化并取决于物种。 A.Alabamense,A.Chlamydospora和P.Verrulosum对A. Suum蛋发育的抑制活性非常高。真菌暴露的蛋揭示了胚胎发生的所有阶段的形态学。 F. solani,p.Variotii和P.Varidis的分离物显示出悬垂渗透和内部定植A. Suum蛋(3型效果)。没有产生孕产性,并且最常观察到简单的悬垂渗透性。 A.Alabamense和P.Verruulosum表现出形态破坏,用蛋壳破坏。剩余的真菌显示出1型效果。结果表明,检测到的F.Solani,P.Variotii和P.Viridis的菌株可能被认为是寄生地良群种群的潜在限制因素。



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