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Tribology takes center stage


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STLE media campaign smooths the way. Communications and advocacy have been the focus of STLE's media campaign during the past 30 months. As a result, more than 50 feature-length articles have appeared in publications that reach millions of readers involved with engineering and technology for transportation, manufacturing, energy and metalworking. The goal of the campaign is to communicate the value of tribology and lubrication engineering innovations to a global audience outside the field. STLE believes that strong communications and advocacy efforts help ensure our future relevance as a profession, an industry and a professional society. This campaign to put tribology in the spotlight entered a new phase recently when the venerable Popular Mechanics magazine devoted 1,500 words to "How the Obscure Science of Rubbing Built the Past and Will Shape the Future." Freelance author Adrienne Bernhard wrote the piece in collaboration with STLE media advisor Patti Bianchi (LimeLight Resources). Key STLE spokespersons for the article were Tribology Transactions editor Chris DellaCorte (NASA Glenn Research Center) and TLT editor Evan Zabawski (TestOil). Popular Mechanics' editorial mission is to help enhance the average person's understanding of science and technology. The tribology article was a great fit for the national publication and a huge boost for STLE's efforts to make tribology more recognized for its contributions to advancing everyday products and processes. "While tribologists - specialists who work in the field - have traditionally focused on fatigue, waste or failure in mechanical elements like these, recent developments in the field have pushed this little-known branch of science into the spotlight," the article states. "In fact, tribology's influence on global energy consumption, emissions, healthcare and sustainability has never been more immediate."
机译:Stle Media Campaign顺利的方式。通信和宣传在过去30个月中一直是Stle媒体竞选活动的重点。因此,出版物出现了超过50个特征长度的物品,该出版物达到了数百万读者,参与了运输,制造,能源和金属加工工程和技术。该活动的目标是将摩擦学和润滑工程创新的价值传达到领域以外的全球观众。 Stle相信,强大的通信和宣传努力有助于确保我们作为职业,一个行业和专业社会的未来相关性。这项运动在聚光灯中放置了摩擦学学,最近在古老的流行力学杂志投入了1,500个字的“摩擦的摩擦科学的方式,塑造过去,将来会造成未来。”自由撰稿作者Adrienne Bernhard与Stle Media Advisor Patti Bianchi(Limelight Resources)合作写了这件作品。这些文章的主要STLE发言人是摩擦学交易编辑克里斯·塞拉恰特(NASA Glenn Research Center)和TLT Editor Evan Zabawski(Testoil)。受欢迎的力学编辑团使是为了帮助提高普通人对科学技术的理解。摩擦学文章对国家出版物的巨大契合,并巨大推动Stle努力使摩擦学更加认可为推进日常产品和流程的贡献。虽然摩擦学家 - 在现场工作的专家 - 传统上专注于这样的机械元素中的疲劳,浪费或失败,但该领域的最新发展已经将这种鲜为人知的科学分支推进了聚光灯“。 “事实上,摩擦学对全球能源消耗,排放,医疗保健和可持续性的影响从未如此直接。”



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