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HIV-1 Drug Resistance Surveillance in Antiretroviral Treatment-Naive Individuals from a Reference Hospital in Guatemala, 2010-2013


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The recent expansion of antiretroviral treatment (ART) coverage in middle/low-income countries has been associated with increasing prevalence of HIV pre-ART drug resistance (PDR). We assessed PDR prevalence, patterns, and trends in Guatemala. Blood samples from 1,084 ART-naive individuals, enrolled from October 2010 to December 2013 at the Roosevelt Hospital in Guatemala City, were obtained. PDR was evaluated using the WHO mutation list for transmitted drug resistance (TDR) surveillance. An overall PDR prevalence of 7.3% (95% CI 5.8-9.0%) was observed for the whole study period. TDR to nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI) was the highest (4.9%, p<0.001), followed by nucleoside RT inhibitors (1.8%) and protease inhibitors (1.0%). No significant trends in PDR prevalence were observed during the study period. However, higher NNRTI PDR levels were found in individuals with >500 and 350-500 CD4(+) T cells/mu l (7.4% and 8.7%, respectively) compared to individuals with <350 CD4(+) T cells/mu l (3.7%; p=0.039 and p=0.007, respectively), as well as a tendency of higher levels of NNRTI transmitted drug resistance (DR) in individuals with recent infection determined by HIV incidence tests (9.7%), suggesting increasing trends in time. Clusters of viruses with NNRTI PDR suggesting complex transmission networks were observed. No associations between PDR and demographic variables were found. PDR in Guatemala remains at an intermediate level. Nevertheless, we have shown evidence suggesting increasing trends in NNRTI PDR, which need to be taken into account in national HIV management policies.
机译:最近在中/低收入国家/地区扩大了抗逆转录病毒治疗(ART)的覆盖范围,这与艾滋病毒抗逆转录病毒治疗前的抗药性(PDR)患病率增加有关。我们评估了危地马拉的PDR患病率,模式和趋势。从2010年10月至2013年12月在危地马拉市罗斯福医院入组的1084名未接受抗逆转录病毒疗法的个体获得了血液样本。使用WHO突变列表对PDR进行了传播耐药(TDR)监测。在整个研究期间,总体PDR患病率为7.3%(95%CI 5.8-9.0%)。非核苷逆转录酶抑制剂(NNRTI)的TDR最高(4.9%,p <0.001),其次是核苷RT抑制剂(1.8%)和蛋白酶抑制剂(1.0%)。在研究期间,未观察到PDR患病率的显着趋势。然而,与每<350 CD4(+)T细胞/μl的个体相比,> 500和350-500 CD4(+)T细胞/μl的个体(分别为7.4%和8.7%)发现更高的NNRTI PDR水平(分别为3.7%; p = 0.039和p = 0.007),以及最近由HIV感染测试确定的近期感染者的NNRTI传播耐药性(DR)呈较高水平的趋势(9.7%),表明艾滋病的发病率呈上升趋势。时间。带有NNRTI PDR的病毒簇表明存在复杂的传播网络。在PDR和人口统计变量之间未发现关联。危地马拉的PDR处于中等水平。尽管如此,我们已经显示出证据表明NNRTI PDR的趋势在增加,这需要在国家艾滋病毒管理政策中加以考虑。


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