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HIV knowledge and attitudes among providers in aging: results from a national survey.


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Within 5 years, half the U.S. HIV-infected population will be over age 50, and providers caring for older adults must deal with this reality. This study assessed attitudes toward people with HIV/AIDS and knowledge of HIV/AIDS among physicians with a geriatrics specialty, and nurses and social workers who specialize in gerontology. A survey mailed in 2008 to a random sample of U.S. providers yielded a 60% response rate. Main outcome measures included: Knowledge of HIV/AIDS, attitudes toward people with HIV/AIDS, and knowledge of issues related to HIV in older adults. General knowledge of HIV/AIDS was good with scores of 89%, 84%, and 81% for physicians, nurses, and social workers, respectively; groups differed significantly (F(2, 483)=18.626, p<0.0005). Attitudes were positive, with a significant main effect of profession on the attitude subscales (F(4, 952)=6.84, p<0.0005). Eighty-three percent of the sample were unaware that dementia due to HIV may be reversible; no significant differences by profession (chi(2)=4.50, p=0.105). The sample had difficulty ranking the four most common risk factors for HIV infection in older adults, with no significant differences among the professions (F(2, 483)=1.22, p=0.296). Only 6% of the sample correctly ranked all four risk factors. Estimates of the percent of U.S. AIDS cases in people over age 50 varied widely; few answered correctly, with no significant differences by professional group (F(2,319)=2.82, p=0.06). These findings highlight the need for further education among providers who specialize in aging.
机译:在5年内,美国一半的HIV感染人群将超过50岁,照料老年人的医疗服务提供者必须应对这一现实。这项研究评估了老年医学专科医师,专长于老年医学的护士和社会工作者对艾滋病毒/艾滋病患者和艾滋病毒/艾滋病知识的态度。 2008年邮寄给美国服务提供商随机样本的一项调查得出60%的回复率。主要结果指标包括:对艾滋病毒/艾滋病的了解,对艾滋病毒/艾滋病患者的态度以及对老年人的艾滋病毒相关问题的了解。对HIV / AIDS的一般知识很好,医师,护士和社工的得分分别为89%,84%和81%。各组之间差异显着(F(2,483)= 18.626,p <0.0005)。态度是积极的,职业对态度分量表的影响很大(F(4,952)= 6.84,p <0.0005)。百分之八十三的样本没有意识到由艾滋病毒引起的痴呆症可能是可逆的。在专业上没有显着差异(chi(2)= 4.50,p = 0.105)。该样本难以对老年人中艾滋病毒感染的四个最常见危险因素进行排名,各专业之间无显着差异(F(2,483)= 1.22,p = 0.296)。只有6%的样本正确地对所有四个风险因素进行了排名。对50岁以上人群中美国AIDS病例百分比的估计差异很大;很少有正确答案,各专业组之间无显着差异(F(2,319)= 2.82,p = 0.06)。这些发现强调了需要专门研究衰老的提供者之间的进一步教育。



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