首页> 外文期刊>AIDS patient care and STDs >Baseline Social Characteristics and Barriers to Care from a Special Projects of National Significance Women of Color with HIV Study: A Comparison of Urban and Rural Women and Barriers to HIV Care

Baseline Social Characteristics and Barriers to Care from a Special Projects of National Significance Women of Color with HIV Study: A Comparison of Urban and Rural Women and Barriers to HIV Care


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We describe the baseline sociodemographic characteristics of the Health Resources and Services Administration's Special Programs of National Significance Women of Color (WOC) Initiative. Between November 2010 and July 2013, 921 WOC were prospectively enrolled in HIV medical care at nine sites, six urban (N=641) and three rural sites (N=280) across the US. We describe the study sample, drawing comparisons between urban and rural sites on sociodemographics, barriers to HIV care, HIV care status at study entry, substance use and sexual risk factors, and the relationship among these variables. Urban sites' participants differed from rural sites on all sociodemographic variables except age (median=42.3). Women at urban sites were more likely to be Hispanic, less educated, single, living alone, unstably housed, unemployed, and to have reported lower income. More urban women were transferring care to HIV care or had been lost to care. Urban women reported more barriers to care, many relating to stigma or fatalism about HIV care. Urban women reported more substance use and sexual risk behaviors. A better understanding of how HIV care is embedded in communities or fragmented across many sites in urban areas may help understand barriers to long-term engagement in HIV care encountered by WOC.
机译:我们描述了卫生资源和服务管理局(USHR)的“全国有色女性重要计划(WOC)计划”的基本社会人口统计学特征。在2010年11月至2013年7月之间,在美国的9个地点,六个城市(N = 641)和三个农村地点(N = 280)前瞻性地登记了921 WOC进行艾滋病毒医疗。我们描述了研究样本,在社会人口统计学上的城乡站点之间进行了比较,对HIV护理的障碍,进入研究时的HIV护理状况,药物使用和性危险因素以及这些变量之间的关系进行了比较。除了年龄(中位数= 42.3)外,在所有社会人口统计学变量上,城市居民的参与者都不同于农村居民。城市地区的妇女更有可能是西班牙裔,受教育程度较低,单身,独自生活,住房不稳定,失业以及收入较低的妇女。越来越多的城市妇女正在将护理转移到HIV护理或已失去护理。城市妇女报告了更多的护理障碍,其中许多与艾滋病毒护理的污名或宿命有关。城市妇女报告了更多的药物滥用和性危险行为。更好地了解艾滋病毒护理工作是如何嵌入社区中或分散在城市地区的许多场所中的,可能有助于了解WOC长期从事艾滋病毒护理工作的障碍。



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