首页> 外文期刊>The Sunbird: journal of the Queensland Ornithological Society >Indicators for Buff-breasted Button-quail Turnix olivii?

Indicators for Buff-breasted Button-quail Turnix olivii?


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Endangered Buff-breasted Button-quail Turnix olivii are cryptic, shy, rare and somewhat difficult to locate. Observations from a site of occurrence provide potentially useful indicators for aiding location. The species occurred in low woodland on metamorphic hills dominated by Eucalyptus tardecidens with scattered E. cullenii and Corymbia clarksoniana, with a mid-canopy including Melaleuca stenostachya, Terminalia platyptera, Gardenia vilhelmii and Petalostigma pubescens and with a sparse shrub layer of Grewia retusifolia and Dodonaea physocarpa. Ground cover was estimated at 50 % or less with significant bare soil exposed. The Regional Ecosystem was R.E. 9.11.25. Forty-seven species of plant in 23 families were identified within this habitat. Twenty-nine plant species, including 17 species of grass (Family Poaceae) and one sedge (Family Cyperaceae), occurred in the ground layer. Most grasses were in seed. Cicadas and grasshoppers were abundant. These insects and presence of nutritious grass seeds from the grass genera of Eragrostis sp., Panicum sp. and Setaria sp., could feasibly constitute food items taken by Buff-breasted Button-quail. A low number of observed circular scrapes could have either been feeding platelets made by Buff-breasted Button-quails or resting locations.
机译:濒临灭绝的Buff - Butt-Button-quail折扣olivii是神秘的,害羞,罕见的,有点难以定位。从出现部位观察提供了潜在有用的指标,以便辅助位置。这些物种发生在低林地的变质山上,由桉树塔杜鹃在散落的E. Cullenii和Corymbia Clarksoniana,其中包括Melaleuca Stenostachya,Termantia鸭嘴蛋白,Gardenia Vilhelmii和Petalostigma Pubescens,以及稀疏的灌木丛,雷苏·克鲁西亚和Dodonaea。 Physocarpa。地面盖估计为50%或更少,露出明显的裸露土壤。区域生态系统是R.E. 9.11.25。在这个栖息地确定了23个家庭中的四十七种植物。 20九种植物物种,包括17种草(家族Poaceae)和一个莎草(家族Cyperaceae),在地面上发生。大多数草是种子。蝉和蚱蜢很丰富。这些昆虫和来自草属的营养草种子的存在来自Eragrostis sp的Granta。,Panicum sp。和Setaria sp。,可以对buff-breasted按钮鹌鹑制成可行的食物。较少观察到的圆形刮擦可以具有通过BUFF键合的按钮鹌鹑或休息位置制成的血小板。



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