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The social epidemiology of HIV transmission among African American women who use drugs and their social network members.


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Despite 15 years of prevention efforts, recent increases in HIV infection have been documented for Black women in the US. Little is known about the role played by HIV status disclosure in high HIV prevalence communities. 180 Black women who used drugs in the past 30 days were recruited between May 2002 and May 2004 in New York City. Women were administered a structured network questionnaire and HIV serotested. Risk practices, HIV status disclosure within networks and mixing patterns by known HIV status are examined. Most (85%) women had used crack in the past 30 days; 48 (27%) had injected drugs, 65 (36%) reported anal sex, and 99 (55%) reported sex work at some time. Forty (22%) women were HIV-seropositive; 29 (16%) knew their seropositive status. Of high risk individual behaviours, only a history of sex work was associated with an HIV-seropositive status [(aOR=3.0; 95%CI: 1.3-7.3), p=.01]. Few (7%) of 600 network members disclosed an HIV positive status, although 73% were sex or drug use partners. Women who knew themselves to be HIV-infected were more likely than other women to report HIV-infected network members [(OR=1.5; 95%CI: 1.1-6.4), p=.03]. However, only 51% of network members disclosed an HIV status and women disclosed to 50% of their network members. In a context of high background HIV prevalence and low levels of HIV status disclosure, serodiscordant mixing patterns likely facilitate transmission.
机译:尽管进行了15年的预防工作,但美国黑人妇女的HIV感染最近有所增加。关于艾滋病毒感染状况披露在艾滋病高发人群中所起的作用知之甚少。在2002年5月至2004年5月之间,在纽约市招募了180名过去30天吸毒的黑人妇女。对妇女进行了结构化的网络问卷调查,并对艾滋病毒进行了血清测试。检查了风险实践,网络中的HIV状况披露以及已知HIV状况的混合模式。大多数(85%)女性在过去30天内使用过裂纹。 48(27%)曾注射毒品,65(36%)曾报告肛交,99(55%)曾报告过性工作。 40名(22%)妇女是艾滋病毒血清阳性的; 29(16%)知道他们的血清反应阳性状态。在高风险的个人行为中,只有性工作史与HIV血清阳性状态相关([aOR = 3.0; 95%CI:1.3-7.3),p = .01]。在600名网络成员中,只有极少数(7%)表现出HIV阳性,尽管73%是性伴侣或吸毒者。知道自己感染了艾滋病毒的妇女比其他妇女更有可能报告感染了艾滋病毒的网络成员[(OR = 1.5; 95%CI:1.1-6.4),p = .03]。但是,只有51%的网络成员公开了艾滋病毒感染状况,而女性向其网络成员中的50%公开了艾滋病毒感染状况。在高背景艾滋病毒流行率和低水平艾滋病毒状况披露的背景下,血清胶粘剂混合模式可能会促进传播。



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