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Social services utilization and need among a community sample of persons living with HIV in the rural south.


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HIV prevalence has increased faster in the southern USA than in other areas, and persons living with HIV (PLWHIV) in the south are often rural, impoverished, or otherwise under-resourced. Studies of urban PLWHIV and those receiving medical care suggest that use of social services can enhance quality of life and some medical outcomes, but little is known about patterns of social service utilization and need among rural southern PLWHIV. The AIDS Alabama needs assessment survey, conducted in 2007, sampled a diverse community cohort of 476 adult PLWHIV representative of the HIV-positive population in Alabama (66% male, 76% Black, and 26% less than high school education). We developed service utilizationeed (SUN) scores for each of 14 social services, and used regression models to determine demographic predictors of those most likely to need each service. We then conducted an exploratory factor analysis to determine whether certain services clustered together for the sample. Case management, assistance obtaining medical care, and financial assistance were most commonly used or needed by respondents. Black respondents were more likely to have higher SUN scores for alcohol treatment and for assistance with employment, housing, food, financial, and pharmacy needs; respondents without spousal or partner relationships had higher SUN scores for substance use treatment. Female respondents were more likely to have higher SUN scores for childcare assistance. Black respondents and unemployed respondents were more likely to have SUN scores in the highest quartile of the overall score distribution. Factor analysis yielded three main factors: basic needs, substance use treatment, and legal/medical needs. These data provide important information about rural southern PLWHIV and their needs for ancillary services. They also suggest clusters of service needs that often occur among PLWHIV, which may help case managers and other service providers work proactively to identify important gaps in care.
机译:在美国南部,艾滋病毒的患病率增长速度快于其他地区,并且在南部的艾滋病毒携带者(PLWHIV)通常是农村,贫困或资源贫乏的人。对城市艾滋病病毒感染者和接受医疗服务的人的研究表明,使用社会服务可以提高生活质量和某些医疗结果,但对于南部农村艾滋病病毒感染者的社会服务利用方式和需求知之甚少。 2007年进行的艾滋病阿拉巴马州需求评估调查对阿拉巴马州476名代表艾滋病毒阳性人群的艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者的不同社区队列进行了抽样调查(男性占66%,黑人占76%,比高中文化程度低26%)。我们为14种社会服务中的每一项开发了服务利用率/需求(SUN)分数,并使用回归模型来确定最可能需要每种服务的人群的人口统计学预测指标。然后,我们进行了探索性因素分析,以确定某些服务是否针对样本聚集在一起。案例管理,获得医疗帮助和财务援助是受访者最常使用或需要的。黑人受访者在酒精治疗以及在就业,住房,食品,金融和药房方面的援助方面,更有可能获得更高的SUN评分;没有配偶或伴侣关系的受访者在药物使用治疗方面的SUN评分更高。女性受访者在儿童保育方面的SUN评分更高。黑人受访者和失业受访者的SUN分数更有可能在总体分数分布的最高四分位数中。因素分析得出三个主要因素:基本需求,物质使用治疗和法律/医疗需求。这些数据提供了有关南部农村艾滋病毒感染者及其对辅助服务需求的重要信息。他们还建议,在艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者中经常出现服务需求集群,这可能有助于案例管理者和其他服务提供商积极开展工作,以发现重要的医疗服务差距。



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