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Profiling of HIV clinic patients to determine the prevalence and characteristics of recent infections.


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Patients newly attending the government HIV clinic in Hong Kong were studied for the prevalence and characteristics of recent HIV infection, which was defined as having a negative HIV antibody test and/or seroconversion illness within one year of a first positive antibody result. Fifty-nine (12.0%) of 492 HIV-positive patients first seen from 2001 to 2004 were determined to be recently infected. This likely represented the lower bound of the real situation. Compared with non-recent infections on univariate analysis, recent cases were more likely to be men who have sex with men (OR 2.23; 95%CI, 1.23-4.05), never married (OR 1.96; 95%CI, 1.03-3.89), had tertiary or above education (OR 3.93; 95%CI, 1.65-10.09) and with a baseline CD4>=500 cells/ul (OR 3.65; 95%CI, 1.87-6.93). Upon multivariate analysis, tertiary or above education (adjusted OR 4.23; 95%CI, 1.76-10.16) and CD4>=500 cells/ul at diagnosis (adjusted OR 3.58; 95%CI, 1.88-6.84) remained independent variables. HIV clinics are feasible settings for collecting epidemiological information of on-going infection. Differences in the profile between recent and non-recent cases may shed light on targeting efforts to prevent new HIV infections.
机译:对新近在香港政府HIV诊所就诊的患者进行了近期HIV感染的患病率和特征研究,其定义为在第一次抗体阳性结果后一年内HIV抗体检测阴性和/或血清转化疾病。从2001年至2004年首次发现的492名HIV阳性患者中,有59名(12.0%)被确定为近期感染。这很可能代表了实际情况的下限。与单因素分析中的非近期感染相比,近期病例更有可能是与男性发生性关系的男性(OR 2.23; 95%CI,1.23-4.05),从未结婚(OR 1.96; 95%CI,1.03-3.89) ,具有大专或以上学历(OR 3.93; 95%CI,1.65-10.09),基线CD4> = 500细胞/ ul(OR 3.65; 95%CI,1.87-6.93)。经过多变量分析,大专或以上学历(校正后为OR 4.23; 95%CI,1.76-10.16)和诊断时CD4> = 500细胞/ ul(校正后为OR 3.58; 95%CI,1.88-6.84)仍然是独立变量。艾滋病诊所是收集持续感染流行病学信息的可行场所。最近的病例和非最近的病例之间的差异可能有助于确定预防新的HIV感染的目标。



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