首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease >Urinalysis-Assessed and Self-Reported Substance Use as Correlates of Multiple Indicators of Suicide Risk Among Acute Care Psychiatric Inpatients

Urinalysis-Assessed and Self-Reported Substance Use as Correlates of Multiple Indicators of Suicide Risk Among Acute Care Psychiatric Inpatients


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Nonalcohol substance use is a robust correlate of suicide risk. However, few data exist regarding the degree to which nonalcohol substance use, as measured by objective indicators (e.g., urinalysis toxicology screen), is related to suicide risk. This study examined the associations of a multimodal assessment of nonalcohol substance use and multiple indicators of suicide risk. Overall, 168 acute care psychiatric inpatients participated and provided data spanning urinalysis toxicology screen and self-report instruments. Substance use per urinalysis toxicology screen and self-report was not related to current suicidal ideation severity. However, substance use per urinalysis toxicology screen was significantly associated with a suicide attempt history and suicidality as a primary reason for admission. Substance use is an important variable to consider in suicide risk conceptualization. Findings underscore the importance of leveraging, when possible, objective indicators of substance use (e.g., urinalysis toxicology screen) in suicide risk formulations.



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