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New Volunteer Opportunities: Share Your Talent, Develop Your Next Generation Leaders


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The 2018 IAPD Leadership Development Conference wrapped up recently. A theme of the event is the need to, as IAPD President Rick Gough puts it, "get the right people on the bus" and help turn strategy into action. This is a concept that the Nominating Committee has applied to recruiting Board of Directors volunteers in the recent years, and the result is a highly functioning strategic thinking board that is working to align everything the association does with the IAPD Three Pillars strategic plan. The "get the right people on the bus" philosophy is now cascading throughout the association, as we're looking at new challenges and new opportunities for IAPD members to get engaged and lend their talents to helping the industry. Here are some of the most critical needs. I'm happy to talk to anyone who is interested in getting involved but may not know where they fit.
机译:2018年IAPD领导发展会议最近包裹。 事件的主题是需要,因为IAPD总裁Rick Gough将其置于“公交车上”,并帮助将战略转化为行动。 这是提名委员会在近年来招聘董事志愿者招聘委员会的概念,结果是一项高度运作的战略思想委员会,正致力于将协会与IAPD三大支柱战略计划的一切安排。 “获得公共汽车上的合适人士”哲学现在在整个协会中叠落,因为我们正在寻找IAPD成员的新挑战和新的机会,以获得帮助和赋予业界的才能。 以下是一些最关键的需求。 我很乐意与有兴趣参与其中的人交谈,但可能不知道它们适合在哪里。



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