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A New Golden Age Advances and Developments Take Us Into the Next Era


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Many of you are too young to remember singer-song writer Mac Davis or his hit song "Stop and Smell the Roses." The premise of the song was that our lives are hectic and busy and we need to take a timeout and reflect on what we've accomplished. I think about this in relation to our work lives, as construction is feast or famine: we're either busy because we have lots of work or we're busy chasing work when the market is down. Always working hard! It becomes difficult in this cycle to see how we've grown in the quality and sophistication of the products we now offer customers, from new coatings on glass and new designs to products that make framing systems more thermally efficient.
机译:很多人太年轻,无法记住歌手歌曲作家Mac戴维斯或他的击中歌曲“停止并闻到玫瑰”。 这首歌的前提是我们的生活忙碌而忙碌,我们需要超时并反思我们所取得的成就。 我认为这是关于我们的工作生活,因为施工是盛宴或饥荒:我们要么忙碌,因为我们有很多工作,或者在市场下降时我们忙着追逐工作。 总是努力工作! 在这个循环中,它变得困难,看看我们如何在我们现在为客户提供的产品质量和复杂程度,从玻璃和新设计的新涂料到使框架系统更加热效率的产品。



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