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Making good use of CO2


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Rowena Sellens, CEO of Econic Technologies, is a clear evangelist for the use of carbon dioxide to make polyols. The company, spun out of London's Imperial College and now located in the science park on the former AstraZeneca site at Alderley Park just south of Manchester, has a strong patent portfolio comprising catalyst technologies that can produce polycarbonate and polyether carbonate polyols with tuneable amounts of carbon dioxide in their backbone. Not only is it possible to use different amounts of CO2 with Econic's technology, but this makes it possible to produce polyols which span a wide spectrum of physical properties without blending, she said.
机译:罗娜·康娜(Rowena)的Econic Technologies的首席执行官是一种清晰的福音师,用于使用二氧化碳制作多元醇。 本公司纺出伦敦帝国学院,现在位于曼彻斯特南部的阿尔德利公园前阿拉伯公园的科技园,拥有强大的专利组合,包括催化剂技术,可以生产聚碳酸酯和聚醚碳酸酯多元醇,其可调碳量的碳 在他们的骨干中的二氧化物。 她说,不仅有可能使用不同量的二氧化碳,但这使得这使得可以生产不含混合而不混合的宽度的物理性质的多元醇。



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